5 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor Before Getting an Ozone IV

You’ve just had a consultation with an ozone doctor and you’re ready to sign up for a series of intravenous ozone treatments. The doctor made a good impression and he said the treatments showed a high success rate with low risk. Sounds good enough for you.
But here is the catch: While it’s true that ozone therapy is one of the safest medical interventions ever invented, this does not mean that it’s free of side effects. They actually happen more often that your doctor will admit. And when they do, they’re often falsely attributed to a Herxheimer reaction.
Which is why you want to have the most detailed information to help you understand what is really going on in case things don’t go as planned.
To this end, you should learn from your doctor about the exact type of intravenous ozone treatment you’ll receive, at what ozone volume and ozone concentration, with which anti-coagulant (if any), what else you’ll be given in addition to ozone, and what side effects to expect.
Here is the breakdown:
Question #1: What type of intravenous ozone treatment is it exactly?
There are many different ways how to administer ozone into the vein: Whether it’s in the form of a 10, 20, or 30 Pass, a multi-pass, EBOO, Major Autohemotherapy, ozonated saline IV, DIV, or intermittent ozone — those are all intravenous ozone treatments.
One type of ozone IV calls for the withdrawal of blood, the other is done via ozonated saline, while yet another filters your blood at the same time as it’s enriching it with the gas.
Different types of ozone administration can produce different responses in different people with different underlying predispositions and conditions.
If your body is deficient in vitamins and hemoglobin it may have a harder time recuperating from a 20 Pass than from an ozonated saline IV.
If you are on a super low carb diet with minimal vitamin C intake, then your body may not be able to deal with the excessive ozone amounts supplied during EBOO than it would with a direct intravenous ozone injection (DIV).
On top of that a single type of ozone IV can vary hugely from practitioner to practitioner: one doctor can draw 60 ml of your blood, mix it with 60 ml of ozone at an ozone concentration of 20 mcg/ml and add saline to it, another will draw 200 ml of your blood, mix it with 200 ml of ozone at an ozone concentration of 70 mcg/ml without saline — and they’re be both called Major Autohemotherapy.
Before the doctor will inject you, you want to know exactly what type of intravenous ozone therapy it is you’re getting.
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Question #2: Which anti-coagulant will be used?
Intravenous ozone treatments during which blood is drawn call for an anticoagulant to prevent the blood from clotting, otherwise the procedure can’t be performed.
Which means that intravenous ozone treatments like multi-passes (which includes 10/20/30 Passes), Major Autohemotherapy (one pass), or EBOO usually call for such a drug (although there are exceptions).
What is wrong with it?
In most cases — nothing. Anti-coagulants are generally well-tolerated and count among some of the safest drugs. Dr. Lahodny, the inventor of the 10 pass ozone treatment ascribes heparin a therapeutic effect and regards it as an added bonus.
But anti-coagulants can come with a long list of side effects, most of them transient and minor. The problem is that when they occur, they’re often falsely explained away as an ozone induced Herxheimer reaction.
So, when encountering increased fatigue or joint pain afterwards, you may be thinking that the ozone treatment you just splurged several hundred dollars on is working as promised, but in reality you’re just experiencing an adverse reaction to the heparin.
The doctor is then using this as a justification to have you sign up for a whole series of the treatments, which you gladly agree to. Only to find out that once the adverse reaction from the heparin has worn off, you don’t feel much better, and instead are left with a hole in your bank account.
Example: A common symptom of Babesia infection is shortness of breath. Unfortunately, this is also one of the many known side effects of heparin. Meaning that a patient can experience breathing problems after having received 7,500 Units or more of heparin during a 10 pass, and will wrongly interpret this as ozone killing off the bacteria.
Even sodium citrate, the “classic” anti-coagulant typically used with Major Autohemotherapy, can have side effects.
Sodium citrate is so safe that in some countries it does not even require a prescription. And yet, if too much is used, it can lower calcium levels and elevate sodium, which can lead to muscle spasms, drowsiness, weakness, confusion, numbness, tingling in hands and feet, and more. The symptoms can then be again falsely attributed to a killing effect of the ozone.
Bottom line: anti-coagulants create additional confounding factors which make it often hard to determine if the patient is experiencing a healing crises or an adverse event.
Become aware of the problem and ask your doctor which type of anti-coagulant he’ll be administering. Keep in mind that the same practitioner can use different anti-coagulants for different ozone treatments at varying times.
Question #3: Will anything else be added to the IV?
My very first intravenous ozone treatment was an ozonated saline IV I received at Dr. Chandler Clark’s office in upstate New York. It triggered one of the most dramatic reactions I have experienced in my life. Being the crazy ozone junkie that I am I took it as proof positive that the ozone therapy was working, so a week later I went back for more.
But this time it felt different, it did not trigger the reaction I was hoping for. After the IV I went to the front desk to pay for it and was surprised to find out that the price had increased substantially. Upon studying the invoice, I found out that I was given something completely different than what I came for.
They had given me MSM (a sulfur compound) intravenously, not ozonated saline. I confronted the nurse about it and found out that this happened upon her sole discretion. She did not bother to ask me or inform me about the change. She may have not even asked the doctor for approval.
I was absolutely livid. They introduced a substance into my body that I did not want and then made me pay for it. I never went back.
Later, I learned from speaking with other ozone users of alternative health approaches, that this was more common than I thought: people are regularly given concoctions in addition to the ozone they are not informed about. Things like glutathione, vitamin C, EDTA, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Meyer’s Cocktail are often mixed with the intravenous ozone administrations without the patient’s consent.
It is not always the practitioner’s fault, though. Often enough patients are overly trusting both towards the doctor and towards the “all-natural therapy” they think is without risks.
Something which is never the case. There is no such thing which has no risks or side-effects whatsoever and which works equally well with everyone at all times.
Glutathione is a natural substance, produced by every cell in the human body. But given intravenously, it often triggers the most severe reactions. There are reports of crushing headaches, debilitating neuropathy, incapacitating fatigue, seizures, the sensation of having metal rods in the brain, and repeated accounts of patients “feeling like dying”. Since glutathione is not a pathogenic killer, this can not be explained with a die-off reaction.
Vitamin C IVs are one of the safest known therapies, being able to treat a wide range of conditions. But in some people they cause kidney stones, or hypernatremia, which is characterized by “extreme fatigue and lack of energy, and possibly confusion.”
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It's vital for our brains, bones, energy creation, muscle movement, and hundreds of other biochemical reactions. We can't function without it. But, it’s also an excellent muscle relaxant. Too much of it can be detrimental to people with spinal instabilities who tend to have perpetually contracted muscles as a way to counteract the structural instability. Their tightened muscles stabilize their spine. Receiving increased amounts of magnesium in the form of an IV can lead to an excessive muscle relaxation and a spike in various neurological symptoms.
Point is: Whatever else you’ll be given with the ozone IV will create another big confounding factor, so that it will be impossible to tell if you’re experiencing a healing crisis, or one of the add-on’s side effects.
When you go in for your ozone IV, make it clear that you only want the ozone treatment, nothing else. Alternatively, make your doctor specify in great detail what it is he'll be giving you on top of the ozone.
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Question #4: How much ozone at what ozone concentration am I getting?
The amounts of ozone delivered can vary by a factor of several hundred from one ozone IV to the other.
Example: A 20 pass can amount to an ozone dosage of 210,000 mcg (3,000 ml of ozone/oxygen x 70 mcg/ml ozone concentration).
A DIV can be as little as 400 mcg (20 ml of ozone/oxygen at an ozone concentration of 20 mcg/ml).
This is a difference of a factor of 525. Meaning: a 20 Pass can deliver up to 500 times more ozone than a DIV injection.
Ozonated saline IVs can be delivered at tiny concentrations of 1 mcg/ml or 30 mcg/ml. This is a difference by a factor of 30.
A Major Autohemotherapy can amount to 1,200 mcg of ozone or 17,500 mcg. They’re both called the same and you may be billed the same, although they differ by a factor of 15.
The different amounts of ozone delivered can have different impacts on symptoms, speed of recovery, or potential side-effects.
It’s true that what counts is the result and not how much ozone is used. And it’a also true that many people report a better response to a DIV with 800 mcg of ozone than to a 10 pass with nearly 200 times as much ozone.
But, knowing the exact ozone volume and ozone concentration can help you determine the likely efficacy of the treatment: are you on your way to recovery, or are you wasting your money on a treatment which is likely too weak to make a difference?
To know exactly what you’re being treated with, your doctor should provide you with the following two different numbers:
- The total volume of the ozone gas used. This is typically given either in milliliters (ml) or liters (L).
- The ozone concentration, given in either mcg/ml, mg/l, ug/ml, mcg/cc, ug/cc or gamma.
The proper information about your ozone treatment should look something like this:
- One Major Autohemotherapy with 100 ml of ozone at an ozone concentration of 40 mcg/ml, and 20 ml of sodium citrate.
- A multi-pass with a total of 1,200 ml of ozone/oxygen gas mix at an ozone concentration of 70 mcg/ml, with 5,000 units of heparin.
- A DIV, direct intravenous ozone injection of 30 ml at an ozone concentration of 25 mcg/ml.
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Question #5: What are the side-effects?
As mentioned above, there is no such remedy in medicine, alternative or otherwise, which does not have any side effects and is beneficial to everyone at all times, no matter what dosage or frequency of use. This is also true for ozone therapy, and that although it’s one of the safest treatment protocols ever devised.
Ozone therapy is known to produce sometimes very pronounced flares of past diseases in the form of Herxheimer reactions, it can lower your blood glucose levels, it can degrade Vitamin C stores (something which may be important to know for followers of low carb diets), it can trigger an allergic reaction (very rare), and potentially initiate a dramatic oxalate dump (my personal speculation).
On top of that there are all the other known side-effects of anti-coagulants or add-on therapies, as described above.
When it comes to ozone, the best way to approach it is: be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. The best often enough materializes, which is why ozone is such a popular treatment in the alternative world.
But the question about side-effects serves also two other purposes: to test your doctor. You want to know who you’re dealing with, how knowledgable, honest, and experienced is he?
Will he tell you the standard sales pitch of ozone being perfectly safe with no side effects and nothing to worry about? If so, you know he’s either lying to you, or he’s misinformed, or hasn’t been doing it long enough.
Or will he honestly disclose the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so gaining your trust?
Ideally, you would want your doctor to be brutally honest with you and reveal everything that could potentially go wrong, no matter how unlikely. Or at least that’s how I like my doctors. This allows me to weigh my options as realistically as possible.
In the end, it’s your decision that will impact your health. So you want to base it on the most complete information available.
Speaking of the most complete information available: this is what this website is all about. To empower you and help you become your own best expert. How to go about it? By looking at reality as it really is, not as we hope it is.
Let me help you out with it by asking you a bunch of questions, and then some more, and then even more.
Only then can we arrive at a complete picture and find a possible solution. If you're ready to get started, follow the link:
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About the author:
I’m Paola the Crazy Old Ozone Lady behind The Power of Ozone. I’m a licensed naturopathic practitioner, natural health consultant, ozone therapy enthusiast, researcher, and ozone therapy analyst. I hold certificates in ozone therapy, hyperbaric ozone applications, Oxyvenierung, and the Andrew Cutler chelation. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, I’ve chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and I’ve been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions.
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Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or treatments have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these treatments or products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment or the information on this page. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using ozone therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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© 2024 The Power Of Ozone
Hi there 👋.
Does Ozone Saline give the same benefits as the other method of there the blood is abstracted? I have seen from the world federation of ozone that they say ozone saline is ineffective as the ozone doesn’t enter your bloodstream? Also does it ruin your veins?
Apologies for the long questions 🤦♂️.
Hi would 10 pass ozone inactivate or even kill the hsv2 virus if only just contracted virus 3 months ago would it be easier to kill the virus ?
Hi Chris,
there is no research on this subject. Judging from reports in the ozone community, I would not go for the 10 pass as the primary type of ozone treatment in this case.
I would rather go for ozone saunas coupled with a low carb, low oxalate, sugar free, gluten free, meat based diet.
I need help. I am sensitive & it took me 2 months to be able to tolerate 1 pass if ozone. Now at 2 passes, 3 times a month, my anxiety is out of control. My insomnia is thru the roof. My doctor wants me to get to 20 pass….but somehow my body is freaking out even on 2 passes once a week. Is it too much for my body? Can 1 or 2 pass help me heal if I go slow? I'm scared.
Hi Theresa,
sorry to hear about your bad reaction.
Did you check with your doctor the 5 points I cover in the article?
Insomnia and anxiety – this could be also a histamine reaction, which can be triggered by heparin.
I would clear those questions with your doctor first, before ramping up the passes.
Can ozone therapy work for eliminating a UTI? I am antibiotic resistant and need an alternative solution. Has anyone tried it successfully?
Many thanks.
Hi robin,
yes, ozone can be quite helpful for UTI.
Try either drinking ozonated water, do vaginal ozone insufflations, or do a bladder insufflation with ozone.
Dr. Paola:
Enjoy your posts. Please check Chapter 7 of Tom Levy's, MD, JD book “Primal Panacea.” Dr Levy is a cardiologist and an expert on high dose Vit C. He teaches at the Riordan Clinic. Chapter 7 of this book is entitled “The Seven Medical Lies That Kill.” He clearly explains that one of the “lies” (his word..and he's also an attorney as well as an MD!) is that high dose IV vitamin C DOES NOT CAUSE KIDNEY STONES. Kidney stone production is a complex chemical reaction. He offers a clear substantiation to that fact. BTW, the Riordan Clinic, which bills itself as the Vitamin C Capital of the World, doing more research and administering more IVCs than anyone anywhere has done to 300,000 mg IVCs with no issues. They said to us that if IVCs caused kidney stones, they would be the Kidney Stone Capital of the World. And they are not. Another point that Dr. Levy teaches is that if there is a true Herx reaction from IVCs, they can easily be reversed with a “mop-up” IVC. Using ~15-20% of the original dose of the initial IVC on a very slow drip will detox/clear out any debris/endotoxins etc., in the bloodstream. We have done that very successfully 5-6 times. Best to you always.
Hi Michael,
Yes, I read that there are different opinions on the Vit C and kidney stones claims. Thank you for the info. The “mop-up” mechanism seems to be the same that works for ozone as well.
Vitamin C does not and never has caused kidney stones. The origin of the idea is that one researcher mentioned in a footnote in a paper that concerning one of his patients with high oxalate levels taking vitamin C might cause kidney stones. The patient did not have kidney stones and never developed kidney stones. This footnote was quoted in seven other papers that vitamin C may cause kidney stones and the idea spread throughout the medical literature.
No study has ever shown a connection between a high intake of vitamin C and kidney stones.
Hi Paola. If someone were to have had numerous IV Infusions with glutathione, and landed themselves in the symptoms you mentioned in section 3 (,
(crushing headaches, debilitating neuropathy, incapacitating fatigue, seizures, the sensation of having metal rods in the brain, and repeated accounts of patients “feeling like dying”)
what is the solution?
Does this eventually let up?
Are there any medical tests that would show this damage? I’ve read the MRI contrast has a heavy metal in it.
What would be the solution in a case like this?
Hi Elizabeth,
in some people it lets up by itself after a while.
Others deal with it for months. Another group reports that by doing the Cutler chelation program with Alpha Lipoic Acid is what fixed the problem. Vitamin C may also help.
I don't think there is any test which shows any damage when that happens. It's not clear what it is that causes this adverse reaction, some speculate it's mercury redistribution. I think it could be maybe an oxalate dump which has also structural effects, and possibly increases existing structural instabilities.
Paola, will you share more about being a carnivore, and where to get the meat?
Hi Jen,
When I lived in LA I would buy meat at the local farmer's market … Right now I buy it at my local organic butcher, but only because they do home deliveries. I often buy non-organic meat as well and am fine with it.
Most of the days I eat just one meal a day, anything from chicken soup, to cooked pork belly, or pork ribs, or smoked salmon.
I know also eat sauerkraut every now and then, but am not planning on continuing, since it gives me joint pain if I eat too much. So maybe I will eat it once a week or less often. I'm currently also making tons of preserves in case the End of the World hits (power outage, lockdowns, curfews, and other totalitarian nonsense)
Some comments on your last post….
Sauerkraut….interesting! I eat a couple of forks full in daily salads and I have had some joint pain….I wonder.
Meat….I do buy from whole foods their meat lineup as its guaranteed antibiotic and hormone free. I don't do the organic though for price consideration.
Eating….one meal per day….very good! I do keto with intermittent fast daily….either omad or 2 meal inside 4 hour eating window.
I try to reach that 18 hour fast period for autophagy.