Buying an Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home – The Ultimate Guide (2023)
This is the definitive guide on buying an ozone generator for ozone therapy at home. This guide covers the following questions: What are all the things I need to buy? (a, b, c) What type of oxygen do I need? (a) Industrial generator vs. generator for ozone therapy:...

How to Get the Benefit of Ozone Therapy for $100 or Less?
Sounds crazy, right? And yet it’s possible. The four hacks I will present here are the same ones I used during times in my life when I didn’t have access to my ozone equipment, but they allowed me to get very similar, or even better results than I got from ozone...

10 Pass Ozone Treatment: What Is It?
There are different ways to apply ozone therapy and doctors come up with ever new ozone techniques all the time. Around 4 years ago, an Austrian doctor came up with the ozone high dose method, also known as the 10 pass. What is the 10 pass ozone treatment?...

List of Affordable EBOO Ozone Clinics
Below, you can find a list of clinics in Indonesia, the Philippines, and India which offer EBOO ozone treatments for $100 to around $200 per session. (In the US, one EBOO can cost up to $1,500.) Keep in mind that the price depends on the currency exchange rate which...

Ozone Therapy and Vitamin A – a Bad Combination?
This is a list of people who have experienced adverse reactions to ozone therapy and were at the same time exposed to an elevated vitamin A intake. They either supplemented with vitamin A, were consuming foods high in vitamin A, or used topical retinol creams. Their...

Does EBOO Ozone Therapy Filter the Blood?
Dr. Rowen doesn’t think so. Micah Lowe didn't think so either. But then he seems to have changed his mind shortly afterwards. (Update: Micah told me he still doesn't think that EBOO filters blood.) Prof. Bocci, when he was devising EBOO clearly didn’t envision it as a...

How Is Ozone Therapy Administered?
Ozone therapy can be administered in a multitude of ways and all of them have their pros and cons: some need a doctor to be present, others can be easily done at home. Additionally, people come up with new ways to use ozone all the time. Ozone therapy is administered...

A Case of Suspected Gas Embolism After an Incorrect DIV Ozone Injection
This will be a field day for critics of DIV ozone injections. And there are many. “We told you so! DIV is dangerous!!!”, I already hear them screech. “DIV injections can kill people!!!!!!” Well, luckily no one died, the patient is still alive. But he does suffer...

How I Discovered Ozone Therapy
Over the years, clients have asked me this question many times, so I thought it may be a good idea to finally put it down on “paper”. I like to tell the story because it shines a light on a great remedy that seems to have been largely forgotten in the alternative...

Best Kit for Vaginal Ozone Insufflations
There is a dizzying array of gadgets and solutions when it comes to ozonating your lady parts. There are luer lock cathethers, silicone luer catheters, cone shaped PVC catheters, silicone cone shaped catheters, luer PVC catheters, or green dildo look-alike. In...

Vaginal Ozone Insufflations as a Systemic Treatment — Why Do They Work?
The science is settled: rectal ozone insufflations are a great systemic treatment. Vaginal ozone insufflations on the other hand are only to be used for yeast infections and not much more. Case closed. At least this seems to be the prevailing opinion among ozone...

The First Published Study on the 10 Pass Ozone Therapy — What Does It Say?
The 10 Pass is regarded as one of the best ozone treatments EVAH. Once you start looking into ozone therapy, sooner or later you will come across this mythical and overpriced way of ozonating your blood. The 10 Pass is the practice of drawing 200 ml of blood and...

My 7 Most Incredible Experiences with Ozone Therapy
Recently, a client of mine asked me an excellent question. He wanted to know what was my most memorable ozone experience? What problem ozone helped me the most with? I realized that there was not one such experience, but several. Over the past 20 years (I just...

John: “I used ozone therapy, Vitamin C, and Rick Simpson's Oil for liver cancer”
I interviewed John who overcame liver cancer twice. Here is the summary of our talk:How was he diagnosed? In June 2020, John’s periodical AFP (alpha feta protein) test results signalled to a cancerous substance in his liver. He got an MRI test done, which showed a...

The worst mistake you can make when doing ozone therapy
The worst mistake when doing ozone treatments is to combine them with glutathione IVs. People who receive glutathione intravenously often end up with crushing depression, become suicidal, or have panic attacks. They report “feeling like dying”, loss of hearing,...

Does Heat Destroy Ozone inside the Ozone Sauna?
There are voices in the ozone community that are very skeptical about the utility of ozone saunas. One of the reasons for their stance is the fact that heat destroys ozone. If that is the case how could ozone saunas do anything, goes the argument. If heat destroys...

What to Expect After Your First Ozone IV?
You scheduled your first ozone IV and now you are waiting. You spend the time researching ozone therapy and come across the usual misinformation sources, spreading Big Pharma sponsored confusion. The intentionally overblown horror stories don’t seem to offer a...

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Water Bubbler to Ozonate Oils
When using liquids, keep in mind that there are two different types of glass containers to ozonate oils and to ozonate water. They can not be used interchangeably. Water ozone bubblers typically come with a stone at the end of the stem. The stone is a porous material...

“Why Are You Against the 10 Pass?” – Questions for the Crazy Ozone Lady
Recently, someone left a comment on my website asking me why I was against the 10 Pass. Yeah, Paola, what the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you like one of the best and most powerful ozone treatments EVER? Is somebody paying you to say this? No, of course not. No...

How to Obtain Medical Oxygen for Ozone Injections?
Over the years, I’ve performed hundreds of DIVs and other ozone injections on myself. The safety of direct intravenous ozone infusions largely hinges on the purity of the oxygen that is used, which should be at 99% or above. And where can you get this type of medical...

Can Ozone Therapy Cure Candida Infection in the Gut?
Ozone is said to be able to kill any and all pathogens: bacteria, viruses, mold, parasites, and fungi. You name it, ozone will kill it. So, it would be only logical to assume that it can do the same with candida, a fungal infection often found in human intestines. Is...

Can Ozone Therapy Cause A Herxheimer Reaction?
The idea that ozone therapy can cause a Herxheimer reaction is one of the most discussed topics in the ozone community. Yet, there is as good as no mention of it in the professional literature. So, is this a real thing or just an urban myth? It is a real thing: ozone...

Does Drinking Ozonated Water Damage the Gut Biome?
I’ve drunk oceans of ozonated water in my life, and just like many I’ve been wondering what this could have done to my gut biome. The gut flora plays an important role for our overall health, it appears. Ozone on the other hand is one of the most potent antibacterial...

Best Ozone Package for a Pandemic
An ozone package for a pandemic? Sounds like I'm a little late to the party, you may think. But with "pandemic" I actually don't mean the thing which has a survival rate of at least 99.94%. What I'm talking about is the global outbreak of a deadly mind virus. It...

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor Before Getting an Ozone IV
You’ve just had a consultation with an ozone doctor and you’re ready to sign up for a series of intravenous ozone treatments. The doctor made a good impression and he said the treatments showed a high success rate with low risk. Sounds good enough for you. But here is...

6 Reasons Why I Don't Like Rectal Ozone Insufflations
Wouldn’t it be great if news outlets had a disclaimer next to each article informing the reader about the author’s political bias? Something like: “John has never met a Democrat politician he didn’t like. He believes socialism is good for one's health, and in his...

Home Ozone Therapy – What Is It?
In order to receive ozone therapy, you don’t necessarily have to visit a doctor’s office. Many people all around the world do ozone treatments at the comfort of their own four walls and see remarkable results. So, what exactly is home ozone therapy and how is it...

Ramona: “I Used Vaginal Ozone Insufflations to Treat Cervical Cancer”
This is a summary of my interview with Ramona which you can watch in its entirety here. During our talk Ramona detailed her experience with home ozone treatments to treat advanced cervical cancer. Here are the key points:How was she diagnosed? Ramona woke up one...

Ozone Therapy at Home – Settings for the 5 Most Popular Treatments
If you're doing ozone therapy at home you want to use the correct settings to prevent complications and at the same time to maximize get the most out of the treatments. Taking these two factors into account, below you can find the recommended ozone settings for the...

Ozone Therapy and Coffee Enema: Can You Combine the Two?
Shooting stuff up one’s anal nether regions appears to be a popular past time activity among fans of alternative home treatments: whether ozone or coffee, introducing the remedies "the other way around" is supposed to offer therapeutic advantages. But caffeine has...

Why Is Ozone Therapy Illegal?
When it comes to ozone therapy there is the perception that it is not only dangerous, but also illegal. And that although ozone therapy dates back at least 150 years, is safer than most over-the-counter drugs, and has had less documented fatalities than chiropractic....

Ozone Therapy in Germany: Facts vs Fiction
As a German alternative health care provider living in Germany and having worked for a former ozone doctor here, I am often amused about the many misconceptions people in other parts of the world have about the use of ozone therapy in this country. Allow me to...

Can Ozone Therapy Cause Air Hunger?
Some people who undergo ozone therapy start experiencing the disturbing sensation of air hunger. This is the feeling of not being able to breathe and some take it as evidence that ozone therapy is feeding Babesia infections. Is this what's going on or are other...

Can DIV Ozone Injections Lead to Death?
During DIV ozone injections gas is introduced into the vein. This sounds like a bad idea and a recipe for a deadly gas embolism - say critics. Others claim that the injection cannot cause an embolism since oxygen is immediately absorbed by the blood. Which one is...

Do You Need a Test for G6PD Deficiency Before Ozone Therapy?
When you go to an ozone clinic to get ozone treatments, you may be asked to provide proof that you don’t have G6PD deficiency before they agree to treat you. Some ozone doctors think that individuals with this genetic condition should not receive ozone therapy. But...

4 Facts About the 10 Pass Ozone Treatment You Should Know Before You Do It
The 10 pass ozone therapy treatment is supposed to be the most powerful, the most effective, the best of the best, the non-plus ultra of all ozone treatments. The one which Dr. Lahondy, a doctor with 50 years of experience, says can cure nearly 100% of all diseases?!...

Does Ozone Therapy Make Aerobic Infections Worse?
Some people with infections like Bartonella or Babesia get worse when they do ozone therapy. It's often assumed that this is because the oxygen treatment made the aerobic microorganisms grow. Is this possible? Will ozone therapy make aerobic infections worse? I’ve...

Is It Safe to Use an Oxygen Concentrator for Ozone Therapy?
While I’m writing this, the oxygen concentrator is running to make ozonated water for me. I use my concentrator for most ozone treatments. But some ozone experts advise against it. They say that concentrators produce toxic nitrogen byproducts and that the only...

Does Rectal Ozone Kill Good Bacteria in the Gut?
Rectal insufflations are one of the most popular ozone therapy applications: their effect is supposed to be equivalent to intravenous ozone therapy without requiring needles or nurses. But ozone is a potent antibacterial gas and during rectal insufflations it's...

How Much Does Ozone Therapy Cost?
If you're planning on using ozone to treat a health condition, you want to know how much money you will need to spend. Unfortunately, most ozone practitioners do not display the prices on their websites. So, I decided to email and call them to find out exactly how...

Most Effective Ozone Treatment – Which One Is It?
When looking for the most effective ozone treatment, you'll quickly find that there is quite a list to pick from. Ozone can be administered in a multitude of ways and new ozone methods are being invented all the time. So which one is the best? The most effective type...

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Ozone Therapy
If you are getting your ozone fix from your doctor, or if you like to go on ozone retreats you want to do it in a way so that you’ll get the most out of it. After all, ozone can cost a lot of money. It’s not unheard of to spend 10s of thousands of dollars on 10 passes...

The Explanation for Everything
If you have followed me for some time, then you may know that I first thought I had Lyme disease, then I thought I had mercury poisoning, then oxalate issues, and in between all that I also thought I had a bad case of candida. Well, as it turns out I never had Lyme...

“Ozone Therapy Fallacies” Video by Drs Ozone DEBUNKED
Tom and Micah Lowe recently uploaded a video where they address nine fallacies among ozone therapy enthusiasts. Although I agree with a good portion of that video, there are certain points which I think need to be corrected. Especially the part about ozone and cancer....

Are Rectal Insufflations 95% as Effective as Intravenous Ozone?
The pictures shows Renate Viebahn (right) and me during a workshop in Germany in, I believe, summer of 2016, where Mrs. Viebahn was doing a presentation about ozone therapy. Mrs. Viebahn is not a medical doctor. Her background is, as she told me, chemistry. I don’t...

The 14 Most Important Things to Keep in Mind When Doing Ozone Therapy at Home
1. Protect yourself from breathing ozone Ozone can be of great therapeutic value when given intravenously, as an insufflation, or as a sauna. Breathing raw ozone on the other hand, can result in an EXTREMELY uncomfortable experience. If you happen to...

Can Ozone Therapy Make a Babesia Infection Worse?
This is a question which comes up in our group repeatedly . When I say “our group” I mean The Ozone Group, a Facebook group full of ozone enthusiasts which anyone is welcome to join. Some of our members wonder whether ozone, being a form of oxygen, could make an...

The Inspection of My Zotzmann
So this is gonna be a likely unnecessarily long, possibly politically incorrect (but then, what isn’t these days? I am getting increasingly confused. So I want to beforehand apologize to any reptiles who may feel I have misrepresented them) and angry posting. And it’s...

How Accurate is the “Green Machine”?
Updated January, 2019 Updated and corrected August 7th, 2018 After publishing this article I have received an email from Dr. Rowen who informed me about how unhappy he was with it because he felt misrepresented by it. We have since exchanged numerous emails where I...

Oxalates and Ozone – An Introduction
Around three months ago, I was so sick I thought I would kick the bucket. Check out. Go belly up. Things were baaaad. I couldn't think, walk, or drive. I was lying in bed all day. I couldn't function. Within 2 months I had lost 26 pounds. Something was destroying my...

What can go wrong during a 10 Pass?
Recently, somebody asked me a great question: "My mother is considering having a 10 Pass, and she's concerned about everything that could possibly go wrong. Could you list all the thing that could go awry during the treatment?" Sure thing! I think informing yourself...

How To Chelate With The Andrew Cutler Protocol
The Andrew Cutler Protocol - Overview Chelating with DMSA Chelating with DMPS Chelating with ALA, Alpha Lipoic Acid Chelating with DMSA and ALA Chelating with DMPS and ALA Choosing and increasing dosages Dump Phase Supplements My experience with the Andrew Cutler...

Does ozone therapy cause oxidative stress — and is that always bad?
Ozone is one heck of a molecule. Consisting of three oxygen atoms, it is known as the highly unstable free radical, O3. There is hardly a bacteria or virus which can withstand it. It can supposedly even kill the Ebola virus. Ozone is so reactive that is just burns...

Ozone Therapy Abroad — When Is It Worth the Trip?
Many chronically sick individuals turn to an intensive ozone therapy program abroad to treat their conditions. Cost for treatments range from around US$140 for a single "10 Pass" to US$25,000 for a 2 weeks course including stem cells. Does it make sense to undergo...

The 4 Best Ways to Test for Mercury Toxicity
Weakness. Irritability. Headaches. Trouble sleeping. While these are symptomatic of several illnesses, if you've tried -- and failed -- to come up with a diagnosis that completely fits your symptoms, you may be suffering from mercury poisoning. People who have had...

Do you have the right genes for ozone therapy?
If you have suffered from a condition like Lyme disease or chronic fatigue and have tried many interventions without the expected success, you might have come across the idea that your genes are to blame. Many people these days think that our genes determine the...

Glutathione is dangerous? Show me the science!
Updated April 21st, 2017 Have you ever been to your doctor and she asked you to show proof that whatever she injected you with was safe? Weird, wouldn't you think? A doctor would check that before she introduces a drug into your body, right? And yet this is something...

Does the Ozone High Dose cure Lyme disease?
Lyme disease seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. Many people who have been dealing with a chronic condition have considered Lyme to be the culprit behind their illness at some point. Be it constant fatigue, joint pain, brain fog - Lyme is often considered to be...

(* many patients used more than just ozone therapy and combined it with other alternative or conventional methods) Years ago I witnessed a friend getting rid of numerous skin cancer lesions on his legs after around 12 ozone sauna sessions within a time span of...

Does the Ketogenic Diet Cure Candida? The Ketosis-Candida-Mercury Link
Update March 4th, 2023: Well, as it turns out, I was wrong again. It all looks like the my actual problem was vitamin A poisoning! Update June 28th, 2018: Everyone who thought that I was nuts when I wrote the below article: Well, you were most likely right. As...

In a battle between Ozone and the Ebola Virus - who wins? Instant spoiler alert: We don't know. [Update December 2015: In 2015 Dr. Rowen, Dr. Robins, Dr. Carew, Dr. Kamara and Mohamed Ibrahim Jalloh published a paper describing 5 cases of patients who had developed...
![OZONE and MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Brian's Story [Transcript and Video]](https://thepowerofozone.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/screen-shot-brian-and-i.png)
OZONE and MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Brian's Story [Transcript and Video]
An interview I conducted with Brian who reversed all his Multiple Sclerosis symptoms with ozone therapy, watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bny7ucYS-SU TRANSCRIPT:PAOLA: Today I’m interviewing Brian. Brian has been diagnosed with MS - Multiple Sclerosis which...

Was it Lyme Disease or Mercury Poisoning?
4 years after I thought I had beaten lyme disease I got knocked out by an overwhelming fatigue. It was March 2013.It was like falling into a coma but being fully conscious.The slightest endeavor was an enormous effort. I had to cancel all my obligations and...

Has ozone therapy ever killed anyone? What about hydrogen peroxide? How much truth is there to the often cited anonymous reports of “people having died because of ozone or hydrogen peroxide therapy”? In this post I will examine some of the cases available on the...

The Great Antioxidant Scam: Part 2, The Word Is Out!
Has my announced series about “busting the antioxidant scam” already run its course before it even started? Given the more and more frequent articles and books about the dangers of antioxidants, it might indeed seem so. What follows is a short review of reports...
Does ozone therapy enhance antibiotics?
Recently, a well known ozone doctor has made the assertion that ozone potentiates antibiotics and that he strongly recommends combining ozone with antibiotics treatment. As to the reason why he thinks that, he quoted the following animal study which I’m paraphrasing...
New Series: “The Great Antioxidant Scam”: Part 1, Acatalasia
"Antioxidants" - the word is used these days synonymously with "healthy". We're told that we ideally want them everywhere: in our tea, our salad, supplements and even potentially gain it through meditation.Every year announces the discovery of the newest latest ever...
I’ve been taking care of 3 egg producing chickens for the past few weeks.For some reason around a week ago the hens started laying their eggs on the ground instead of in their boxes. The eggs ended up being much more covered in chicken poop than before. So I had been...

Is Depletion of Antioxidants Responsible for the Ozone Sauna Induced Rash and Is The Rash a Sign of the Body Being Burned by Oxygen??
Many people, who start doing ozone saunas start developing a rash which can be extremely itchy. Saul Pressman explains in the book “The Story of Ozone”: “Unlike other methods of ozone application, employing ozone in a steam sauna will induce the "healing crisis",...
TROUBLESHOOTING OZONE THERAPY – the Lyme-Candida-Mercury Connection
Have you been treating what you believe is lyme disease with ozone therapy for some time and you never felt any reaction to it, neither to the better nor worse?Or only a marginal one at best?Or you've been doing it for 4, 5, 6 weeks or few months and you never ever...
“But Dr. XYZ told me it is! And he/she is the best ozone expert out there! It's even in his/her book!” If a doctor or any ozone expert tells you that RIs* and DIVs are equally powerful, that means that with a high probability that doctor has not tried those ozone...
[Update December 2015: Since I wrote this article around 2 years ago I've come across new information which made be rethink my stance on the RHP/EBOO protocol. I now have reason to believe that the traumatizing side effects reported to me by the people who had...
[updated January 2019] One of the many great things about doing ozone at home is that after just a short amount of time you'll be able to revise many things you've been told by your doctor or any other "expert" and become your own ozone expert. Over the past 7...
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