Does EBOO Ozone Therapy Filter the Blood?

Dr. Rowen doesn’t think so.
Micah Lowe didn't think so either. But then he seems to have changed his mind shortly afterwards. (Update: Micah told me he still doesn't think that EBOO filters blood.)
Prof. Bocci, when he was devising EBOO clearly didn’t envision it as a blood filtration procedure.
And yet, there is the wide-spread belief that EBOO does filter the blood.
After all, there is some waste material left over after each treatment.
Strangely though, an analysis of a sample didn’t find any higher concentrations of waste material than is typically found in a healthy patient's blood.
Yes, a filter is being used during EBOO, but it’s not clear whether it actually filters anything or whether it’s only used to achieve a finer ozone/oxygen saturation.
Another round of testing did show that EBOO improves kidney function. But maybe the same is true for other types of ozone treatments?
So, does EBOO filter the blood or not?
At currently $1,500 a pop it certainly filters money from patients' bank accounts to those of ozone practitioners.
Judging from the barrage of EBOO questions we currently get on a nearly daily basis in the Facebook group, it seems to be doing so at an increasingly profitable rate.
But what are people really paying for?
Is EBOO a form of “ozone dialysis” as it is advertised? Or is this just misleading marketing?
Personally, I don’t know. After looking into the issue in depth, I tend to think it does not filter anything. You may come to a different conclusion, though, and I am open to be proven wrong.
So, let's get into it. Let's begin by untangling the alphabet soup.
What does EBOO stand for?
EBOO stands for extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation. It is often used synonymously with RHP, recirculatory hemoperfusion.
Both are fancy names for the enrichment of blood with ozone and oxygen outside of the human body (the extracorporeal part).
A similar thing is also done during other blood ozone treatments like MAH (Major Autohemotherapy), 10 Pass, or a multipass.
The peculiarity with EBOO is that this happens during a continuous, circular process: blood is being extracted from one arm, is ozonated, and is then being re-infused back into your other arm for the duration of the session (ca. 1 hour).
On its way back to your vein, the blood is passing through a dialyzer, a type of filter.
And that's where the crux of the matter seems to rest.

An example of EBOO performed on the author of
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How is a dialyzer used in kidney hemodialysis?
The filter used in kidney dialysis is called a dialyzer. It mimics the function of a human kidney by using the phenomenon of diffusion.
Diffusion describes the movement of molecules from areas of higher concentratrion to areas of lower concentration.
Dissolved molecules in liquids (or gasses) strive for equal distribution in a given space, for an equilibrium.
This is seen for example when you dissolve salt in water.
When you pour a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, first the salt crystals gather on the bottom of the glass, showing a higher salt concentration.
After a certain time, the salt crystals dissolve and are equally distributed. The water has everywhere the same level of salinity.

Diffusion of molecules in liquid. Source:
Just like salt molecules in water, there are various molecules in the human blood. If their concentration is too high, they are filtered out by the kidneys.
Those are excess minerals like phosphorus, calcium or waste products like urea and creatinine. When the kidneys don't work properly, the blood filtration needs to be performed with a machine. The process is called kidney dialysis.
During dialysis, a dialyzer (filter) is saturated with a solution that has a certain concentration of minerals (sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, etc).
The concentration of the minerals in the dialysis solution is lower than in the patient's blood. Thanks to semi-permeable membranes the excess minerals and molecules can pass through and move to the region of lower concentration (the dialysis solution) since they strive to create an equilibrium.
One kidney dialysis treatment can take around four hours and uses up to 200 liters of dialysis solution, which passes through the dialyzer at a speed of 500 to 800 ml/min.
This is not how a dialyzer is used during EBOO.

Schema of kidney hemodialysis, source.
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How is the dialyzer used during EBOO?
During EBOO no dialysis solution is used and no diffusion takes place. Hence, no blood filtration should be present either.
For EBOO the dialyzer is used to achieve a gas exchange with the blood, not to filter out any impurities.
This is what Professor Bocci was describing in his book when he was devising EBOO.
Although, he said that EBOO resembled classical dialysis, he stressed that the real aim of the procedure was a gas exchange, not blood filtration.
Consequently, he was looking for oxygenator membranes that allowed for ozone, oxygen and CO2 to be passed through, not minerals or urea as in dialyzers.
During his work on EBOO he found a certain device that was
“[…] hydrophobic, permeable only to gases and, unlike dialysis filters, do not form any ultrafiltrate.”
Velio Bocci, “Ozone, a New Medical Drug“, 2005, page 66.
According to the professor, the right type of dialyzer for EBOO does not allow for blood or other liquids to pass through, it needs to be hydrophobic (water repellent).
In addition, it would ideally NOT filter any particles out: “do not form any ultrafiltrate”.
Clearly, according to Prof. Bocci filtration was never the intended purpose of EBOO.
Now that's all fine and dandy, you may say, but how does one explain the waste material after each EBOO session?

A cellulose triacetate dialyzer (or oxygenator membrane?) as used during EBOO. Ozone is infused through the top, no dialysis solution is used. Source.
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What is in the waste bucket?
EBOO treatments create liquid residue that is captured in a waste bucket.
The amount seems to move around 200 ml. (Some practitioners report values of up to 900ml. Others, that it can be as low as 75 ml.)
If EBOO indeed filters out waste from the blood, then this nasty left-over stuff should be full of them.
It should contain an extremely high concentration of things like urea, proteins, drug residue, toxic metals, viral and bacterial debris, and all the other stuff that ozone doctors tell us are filtered out during the procedure.
Since that waste material is readily available one would assume that it’s being regularly tested. At $1,500 per treatment, there should be a few dollars left to sent the stuff in to a laboratory, one would think.
Strangely though, only one man seems to have done this so far.
He posted the results on his Facebook page.
He did so as proof that EBOO in fact filters out nasty stuff out of the blood.
Unfortunately, upon a closer look, the results show exactly the opposite, in my opinion. You can access them here.
According to the posted screenshot, the following markers were measured: cholesterol, uric acid (BUA), creatinine, and glucose.
The results were:
Cholesterol, extremely low (reference value <5.2 mmol/L)
BUA (blood uric acid), 38 umol/L (reference value 149 – 369 umol/L)
Creatinine, 26 umol/L (reference value 46 – 92 umol/L)
Glucose, 3.2 mmol/L (reference value 4.1 – 5.9 mmol/L)
As you can see, all of them were at significantly lower concentrations than are typically found in the blood.
This shouldn't be the case if the fluid in the waste bucket was the filtrate. Instead the concentrations of those molecules are much lower. Isn't the fact that they are well below what is normally found in the blood proof that no filtration is taking place?
The same Facebook member (who runs several EBOO clinics) also showed results of kidney function of a patient pre and post EBOO.
They show significant improvements after the ozone treatment. This seems to be a pretty strong evidence that EBOO does filter the blood, right?
Well, not necessarily, since it's possible that drinking ozonated water, ozone saunas, or some other form of ozone IV would produce the same results.
We don't know, since no one has looked at the kidney function of patients before and after their ozone treatments in a systematic fashion.
Maybe it was simply the anti-inflammatory effect of ozone that restored the kidney function and not the assumed filtration that took place?
We don't know. To have answers, more tests are needed.

Residue in the waste bucket after one EBOO session.
How to find out if EBOO filters blood?
I had a discussion with Will Buff, a Facebook group member, about it.
Will is an EBOO pro. He estimates that he has received around 20 EBOO ozone treatments since 2016. Will is convinced that EBOO filters blood, although he admits that he does not have any hard facts to substantiate it.
He agrees that what is needed are lots of tests.
One would need to look at the concentrations of urea, creatinine, and various minerals in the patient's blood (and whatever else is assumed to be filtered by EBOO) and do this before and right after the ozone treatment and also test the contents of the waste bucket in a large number of patients.
Until then, it's all just speculation.
As far as I know, none of the EBOO providers appears to be investigating this issue. Apart from the single case I cited above.
Then again, why would ozone practitioners want to debunk one of their most lucrative revenue streams?
Do you have information that would lead us to believe that EBOO does filter blood to any significant degree? Have I misrepresented something? Let us known in the comments below.
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About the author:
I’m Paola the Crazy Old Ozone Lady behind The Power of Ozone. I’m a licensed naturopathic practitioner, natural health consultant, ozone therapy enthusiast, researcher, and ozone therapy analyst. I hold certificates in ozone therapy, hyperbaric ozone applications, Oxyvenierung, and the Andrew Cutler chelation. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, I’ve chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and I’ve been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions.
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Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or treatments have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these treatments or products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment or the information on this page. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using ozone therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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© 2024 The Power Of Ozone
HI Paola, I'm very new to all this and only recently purchased your books and become a subscriber. My impression from this article is that EBOO may not do much more than other ozone methods despite the cost. The one group in Sydney that do it say their equipment warns them of bubble formation so that they can avoid any potential embolism. That's very important. I would also have thought that this was a very good way to get the right concentration of ozone into the blood which would then oxygenate the areas that need more oxygen. But of course I have no data on any of this. Do you believe that EBOO is a superior form of ozone treatment or could one oxygenate problem body parts adequately if more slowly through other treatments?
Hi, did you find out what happened to your son?
EBOO in Italy?
A doctor friend in London who loves ozone says he has a friend who has done EBOO in Italy, but he does not know where. Can you shed light on this please? I am pressing him to find out.
Hi Sebastian,
I would love to know myself. Would you mind asking your friend for his friend's name who does EBOO in Italy? Should be easy to google then …
Hello Paola,
I just found your website. My adult son had a horrible reaction to an EBOO treatment 7 weeks ago and is not improving. Would you be able to help determine what went wrong and how to reverse it?
We are desperate. Thank you.
Hi Armando,
potentially, yes.
Hi Paola.
I have your books, they are great.
I am in Manila, in the Philippines, and have booked an appointment with a clinic for EBOO.
Holistic Integrative Care Centre in Quezon City.
They are charging 7600 Philippine peso for 1 EBOO treatment, just over £100 at todays rate.
Are you interested in the result? clinic information etc?
Regards Sebastian
Hi Sebastian,
I think I found the clinic information:
But if you have more information, yes please share.
Does anyone know where to get EBOO treatments in Thailand?
Thank you!
Hi David,
You may want to join The Ozone Group on Facebook, we have at least one practitioner there who offers EBOO in Thailand.
The practitioner looked at only 4 common bloodwork parameters: cholesterol, etc. Microscopy could be done at no cost if one already has access to a microscope. The next step might be spectroscopic analysis to detect heavy metals. That's not expensive. Could perhaps even have some work done at no cost if one networks to a school teaching diagnostic technology.
Hi Bruce,
well that's the interesting (and maybe telling?) fact: that although those tests are not expensive and although EBOO treatments are insanely expensive (with running costs of supplies probably not exceeding more than $100 per treatment), those tests are not performed by anyone with any regularity. Even the single results mentioned in the text may not be informed since we don't know if they are the rule or the exception. Are they reproducible in others? No one knows.
I have to admit that the pictures of the blood before and after were proof to me. A baby's blood is usually light red and an adult's blood is usually darker red, just like the pics on Ed's book show. Other than that though i don't know as i have never had it done. I don't think anyone in the UK has an EBOO machine?
Your welcome
It is my understanding the filter is not for filtering blood but increasing the surface area for ozone saturation. I’m not sure where the filtering of blood is coming from. Yes, there is some filtering because large particles of can get caught in there but not actually for filtering to my understanding. I would love to see more testing on the waste!! What is seen in that canister in this picture is not good and should not be seen. It should be clear fluid and not foam. That foam is an indicator the blood is stressed and interventions to correct this should be happening or therapy stopped.
Hi Jody,
I think the foam are proteins that are found in blood.
And yes, we definitely need more testing. Patients should ask their EBOO providers to send the residue to a lab.
Great article Paola,
looking at the prices that are asked for treatment with EBOO as well as purchasing the EBOO equipment, it needs in-dept study if this treatment protocol is really what it states it is by the promoters.
When we bought the equipment in 2016 from a source in Malaysia we were shocked with the low quality of the equipment in relation to the very high sales price, as well as that we were sent other dialyzes filters with it then were online advertised.. The seller stated that the ones we got were just as good..
The training we were then given via the phone from Canada was completely useless, because the waste product effect – that we were told by the seller as being an crucial aspect that indicates that the treatment has done its work, c.q. is at its maximum effectiveness, – did not take place with the filters we received. No fluids what so ever were released into the wast basket.
Ozone therapy is such a great health modality and it is very important that the different treatments in ozone therapy are done correct and that the science is sound..
Thank you for your research and this article.
Peter Krone
Hi Peter,
thank you for your comment. Malaysia, EBOO, shady sales tactics, shoddy work in general – this reminds me of what a friend of mine went through when he travelled to Malaysia for EBOO treatments around 10 years ago. The head of the EBOO clinic promised him a cure (for a suspected Lyme diagnosis) at $10,000 per month. His mom ended up taking out a mortgage on her house to be able to pay for the treatments. Once in Malaysia he received only 1 EBOO per week. The promised improvements never materialized, he actually got horrendously worse (most likely because he also received glutathione IVs) and had to return to the US prematurely.
I agree, ozone therapy is a great health modality, but it is populated with shady and unscrupulous characters – just like every industry on the planet, I guess. Only that patients are less aware of it because they assume that doctors that offer “natural” and holistic treatments are ethically or morally superior to conventional doctors. Which is not necessarily the case.
I am the President of ACAM (the 49 yo American College for advancement in Medicine) currently sitting in back of the conference room where a group proved they found biofilm and heavy metals in their EBOO device … third party testing and solid. I am a former Hopkins and UCSF Professor so know what good days look like. I’m certain the folks will contact you.
Hi Ahvie,
thank you for your comment. The question is less what they found but whether the concentrations of those things are significantly higher than found in the patient's blood. Did they do such a comparison of the results? Since, finding something in the waste bucket (I hope you mean that, and not the EBOO device, otherwise it would mean the EBOO device is contaminated or kept in a state of dirt?) at the same or similar concentration as it is found in the patient's blood only proves that it's a product of the blood. To prove filtration, it would have to be at significantly higher concentrations than in the patient's blood.
Let me know what exactly they found.