In this article I present oxygen concentrators for home ozone therapy: which ones to pick, their advantages and disadvantages and what additional equipment they require.
Oxygen concentrators are a great solution for home ozone therapy: they offer independence.
As long as you have a power supply, you have oxygen. You don't need to worry about refills.
Purchasing a concentrator usually means a higher upfront cost, but less maintenance long-term. In my opinion, a refurbished oxygen concentrator with an external low flow regulator is the most convenient solution for home ozone applications.
The most common brands of oxygen concentrators are Invacare, Respironics, and Airsep.
I've had all of them at some point or another plus a couple more less known ones like DeVillbis or Kröber.
One of the best ones is the blue Respironics Everflo. Sometimes one can find them on Ebay or Craigslist with an already built-in low flow regulator that goes from 0 to 1 LPM. But as a default they come with the 0 to 5 LPM option.
Some are technically savvy enough to exchange the default regulator with a low flow version. Another option is to take your oxygen concentrator to an oxygen shop and have them do it.
Low flow regulators allow for low oxygen flows which is important when producing ozone for home treatments.
The selection of good quality concentrators is vast. Here just a few examples.
Respironics Everflo
One of my favorite oxygen concentrators: the Respironics Everflo. If you find one for a few hundred bucks on craigslist or ebay – buy it! Add to it a low flow regulator and you're set!
Technical Specifications:
Percentage of oxygen purity: 90 to 96%
Refurbished?: Yes
Warranty: 2 years
Low flow? No
Additional cost to make it low flow? + US$ 149.95
Good for all ozone applications except IV? Yes
Weight: 31 lbs
Price: US$ 699.00
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Technical Specifications:
Percentage of oxygen purity: 87 to 95%
Refurbished?: NEW
Warranty: 3 years
Low flow? No
Additional cost to make it low flow? + US$100
Good for all ozone applications except IV? Yes
Weight: 30 lbs
Price: US$ 1,450.00
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Invacare Platinum
The Platinum Invacare 10. Invacare is one of the most popular brands of oxygen concentrators.
Technical Specifications:
Percentage of oxygen purity: 87 to 94%
Refurbished?: Yes
Warranty: 2 years
Low flow? No
Additional cost to make it low flow? + US$ 149.95
Good for all ozone applications except IV? Yes
Weight: 54 lbs
Price: US$ 1,095.00
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What to look for when buying an oxygen concentrator for home ozone therapy?
Oxygen purity: When administering any type of ozone therapy at home, you should strive for a high percentage of oxygen. A concentrator should put out a minimum of 90% pure oxygen. Most machines on the market go above that. Most specifications show the oxygen percentage for flows of 1 to 5 LPM. The lower the flow, the higher the oxygen output.
Contrary to popular belief, oxygen concentrators do not produce any significant amounts of nitrogen. As good as all oxygen concentrators contain a zeolite filter which filters out nearly all the nitrogen. The remaining 3 to 10% are mostly argon (a noble gas), carbon dioxide (CO2), and just minor amounts of nitrogen.
New or refurbished? Many states require a prescription when buying a new oxygen concentrator. An exception are refurbished concentrators. Well maintained, a refurbished compressor can serve you years.
Warranty: Especially when buying used concentrators, it is a good idea to inform yourself about the costs if something does break down and how long the warranty lasts. Many sellers of refurbished concentrators offer a one to two year warranty.
Is it low flow? What is the lowest flow the machine produces? Ozone applications require very low oxygen flows of a fraction of a liter per minute. Your machine should allow you to go as low as 1/8 LPM. This is low enough to be able to perform all the necessary applications at a high enough ozone concentration without compromising safety. Some ozone generators may require even lower flows of down to 1/16 LPM.
Most oxygen concentrators cannot go that low. A solution is to buy an external low flow regulator or a concentrator which has a low flow regulator already built in – the best option in my opinion!
What are the additional costs of making it low flow? Promolife's external flow regulator costs US$ 150. I've been using it extensively for the past several months and it hasn't failed me so far. When it comes to oxygen, it's my favorite solution. Or you can buy a regulator for around $33 and insert it into the machine yourself or have a technician do it.
Is it possible to use an oxygen concentrator for all the applications? Oxygen concentrators allow to do all the insufflations, sauna, water, and oil. Medical oxygen tanks with a higher oxygen purity are used for invasive methods like IVs or other type of injections.
- Go on your local Craigslist or Ebay and find used oxygen concentrators in good shape. Often, one can find a good Invacare, DeVilbiss, or AirSep concentrator for $150 or less. Then watch this video where my friend Teresa Caballero explains how to use a $32 gadget and some silicone tubing to turn most high flow concentrators into low flow machines.
- Find a local oxygen shop with someone who knows his/her way around oxygen concentrators and ask them if they can insert that low flow regulator into your concentrator, essentially switching out the high flow and substituting it with the low flow one.
- You don't feel like engaging in craft projects? Then get this external low flow regulator and use it with your craigslist treasure:
A final word about external low flow regulators (with a picture of my pink couch in the background as extra bonus 😉 ):
Around 10 years ago when I started out ozonating myself at home, I had bought a more expensive external regulator which cost nearly $300. It made my concentrator break down after several weeks. I assume this was because it was creating too much back pressure. After that I switched to a tank.
Back to present day: I have now been using the Promolife external regulator for over six months more or less on a daily basis without ANY problems or hiccups. And it costs half of what that first regulator cost. So this is a product I totally stand behind.
You can't beat that combo: a Respironics Everflo, Promolife's external low flow regulator and my rosé colored couch in the background.
Except for the Ozonette, none of the ozone generators presented on this website have been approved for medical purposes. Any application of the machines for other than water purification is at the sole risk of the user.
Legal Disclaimer
Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or diagnostic tools have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Since every person is unique, we highly recommend you to consult with your licensed health care practitioner about the use of ozone products in your particular situation. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using Ozone Therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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© 2024 The Power Of Ozone
I tried to find the complete package for Rectal Ozone Insufflation. What would be the approximate “average” cost for all the equipment needed?
Many thanks Paola!
It seems that Promolife sells flow regulators only for tanks.
Do you refer to another type – if so, which – or are those for tanks also used for the concentrators?
Hi Vital,
here is Promolife's low flow regulator for oxygen concentrators: https://thepowerofozone.com/PLO2regulatorex
Hello Paola,
Many thanks for all this helpful information!
My question is, do not all low flow regulators cause damage to the oxygen concentrator by creating too much back pressure, i.e. restricting the oxygen output, and if not, what makes the difference?
Hi Vital,
I am not sure exactly what makes the difference, I think how much back pressure they allow. I know Promolife's has a vent to prevent this from happening. I have been using their model for a long time and my oxygen concentrators still work. Whereas Invacare's regulator damaged two of my concentrators within a very short amount of time.
Finally, I started 10-pass last week for my failing heart(heart enlargement). I am going to the American Regen in Michigan. This is the least expensive clinic I can find to drive to. At $560/ 10 pass, I need 10-20 sessions before I see the effects. So, I am thinking of buying a medical-grade generator and finding a nurse to do it for me. A couple of years ago, you asked if anyone was interested in buying the German-made green machine that I see a lot of videos from the ozone clinic uses. I cannot find any information online. Can you give me the link of the manufacturer and the distributors? Thank you.
Hi Bernie,
The manufacturer of the Green Machine is Herrmann Apparatebau GmbH: https://www.h-a-b.de/
Ask for Markus.
Hi Paola,
Do you know if the Promolife low flow regulator sets off the alarm on the Everflo concentrator when it is set at or below 1/8 LPM? I have a different low flow regulator and when I set it to around 1/4 LPM everything is fine, but at 1/8 LPM it makes the alarm go off on the Everflo concentrator.
Hi Jon,
It never set off the alarm on my oxygen concentrator … but I rarely use it at lower than 1/8 LPM …
Do you know of an Ozone manufacture and/or distributor in Columbus Ohio for a nebulizer?
I am afraid I don't …
Did you try to google it?
Thank you for your reply.
What do you think about it?
If the specifications listed on this page are accurate, then it's a good machine: https://www.personaloxygen.eu/produkt/prenosny-kyslikovy-koncentrator-oxy-anion-professional
But it looks like it does not have low flows, so you will need an external low flow regulator, like this one: https://thepowerofozone.com///PLO2regulatorex
Or best: get a Kröber with flows like 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 LPM etc.
Hello Paola,
I would appreciate it if you could give any advice about buying a concentrator in Germany.
Manythanks for all the valuable informations.
Keep up the good work
Hi Vital,
I would look for used concentrators on Ebay or just google it. There are some shops which sell used and new machines. Or if you or a family member has any respiratory problems, go to your doctor and have it prescribed.
Thanks a lot for the help Paola, I've followed all that and have got the bottle and regulator and now just waiting for a few bits and pieces.
That's great, yes, you are a big help.
Great to hear!
Thank you for the reply Paola,
We want something that will do the job for all non-invasive, but flow rate/o2 %age, is getting confusing
1/ If you put the following together with a d o t com on the end of ali, you should be able to see it as the 10th one in the pics, with a clock/round settings face.. it's being sold where I live for USD370.
2/ Also we can get a “DEDA” for UDS880 who claim “96% purity”, with a d o t co, d o t nz after nat..ozone:
We got some stuff via you at promolife, just need to figure out this and if our local industrial o2 will be ok. It's v. expensive getting anything sent to us from outside NZ.
Thanks a lot.
Hi John,
as to:
1/ this one is not adequate. Whenever they go down to 30 or 40%, they do not produce oxygen which is pure enough. A good oxygen concentrator for ozone treatments never goes below 85% even at high flows. So those are machines like Respironics, Invacare, DeVilbis, Airsep.
2/ Same applies to this one. I do not recommend it either.
Look if you can get a Respironics Everflo, anything with less than 5,000 hours on it will be a good deal. Check that it works, if possible. And get this low flow regulator for it: https://thepowerofozone.com///PLO2regulatorex
If you can not find a good oxygen regulator, I'd rather recommend to get a big bottle of oxygen at Bunnings: https://www.bunnings.co.nz/coregas-size-d-trade-n-go-oxygen-gas_p5910224
Plus a matching regulator: https://www.promolife.com/bullnose-low-flow-oxygen-regulator/?a_aid=thepowerofozone_TPO4
Or see if you can find a low flow / pediatric regulator locally online.
I think this one will fit: https://naturalozone.co.nz/collections/ozone-therapy-accessories/products/oxygen-regulator
I hope this helps!
Hi Paola, I just asked you a question which had a link and the submission said it was spam, I modified it a little and submission said it was a duplicate !
If I have what seems to be a good quality (can't post link) concentrator, and it is set to .5 lh, does there need to be a low flow regulator between that and a PL O3Elite Dual Ozone Generator?
Thank you
Hi john,
yes, there is an anti-spam filter installed here and I think it prohibits the posting of links, sorry about that.
0.5 LPM is ok for ozone saunas and ozone body bag, all other treatments would call for lower flows.
You can name the brand of oxygen concentrator that you have and I can look into it.
If you want lower flows, just get the external low flow regulator: https://thepowerofozone.com///PLO2regulatorex
did you notice a difference in effect when using the oxygen concentrator vs the oxygen tank? primary use would be insuflation and water. already been using a concentrator but never noticed a huge amount of effects from this therapy. on the other hand, I found exercise with oxygen therapy (ewot) to be far more beneficial. trying to bbn ozone a fair chance though. thanks
Hi Ron,
no, I've never noticed a difference in effect when using concentrator vs oxygen tank.
hi paola
you have a super homepage!
thanks for all the work.
i am a nhp in switzerland an i have
a question about the equipment:
what kind of a set up do you recommend for a pracitce set up that is as versatile(meaning all common ozon applications) as possible?
thank you for your help.
greetings from switzerland
Hi Johannes,
for a practice I would recommend getting the Herrmann comfort ozone generator. It will allow you to do the 10 pass, all other ozone injections, insufflations etc.
If you also want to offer ozone saunas, get in touch with Promolife: https://thepowerofozone.com///PLhard
I hope this helps!
What is the ozone generator output to be set on. I just bought a oxygen generator and a ozone generator.
Hi Karen,
it depends what ozone application you're planning on doing.
In general ozone concentrations of 20mcg/ml to 60 mcg/ml are used.
I give recommendations for each ozone application. You will find them under “protocols”.
Hi Paola
The old link for the $10 ebay flowmeter does not work.
However there are other ones on ebay.
Would any 0-1LPM Oxygen Flow Meter with Control Valve work?
I see SimplyO3 is selling one for $33, but it looks the same as the cheaper ones on ebay.
Thanks so much for all of the information and education!
Hi Adam,
thank you for the heads up!
Yes, this one looks good.