Ozone Therapy Abroad — When Is It Worth the Trip?

Many chronically sick individuals turn to an intensive ozone therapy program abroad to treat their conditions. Cost for treatments range from around US$140 for a single “10 Pass” to US$25,000 for a 2 weeks course including stem cells. Does it make sense to undergo such a program? And how does one find out if the benefits of the treatments outweigh the cost?
Let's take a critical look at the treatments to determine whether such a program might benefit you.
Is it worth it?
If ozone therapy could, in fact, end years of suffering, how much would you be willing to pay? The price is steep. It can cost up to $25,000, in addition to flight and other travel related expenses. Not only do you have to travel to another country, you have to cross the globe while being sick.
Some report life changing events, progressing from bedridden misery to a life of work and activity. They consider it the best decision of their lives and convince family members and friends to receive the same life-giving treatment. Others enter treatment with hope and leave treatment disappointed by one more thing that failed to heal them.
It is clinics like Infusio, the NeoMed and the Y & C clinics in Cyprus, or the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland that cater to U.S., Australian, and other international patients searching for intensive ozone therapy programs. Clinical treatments include various forms of ozone IVs in addition to new, cutting-edge therapies like stem cell treatments, but also chelation.
Things to Consider
Before spending a lot of money without a guarantee the therapy will help, you'll want to take a critical look at what could happen.
• There are people who do not do well on ozone therapy. Not all treatments work 100% of the time. In some cases, although rare, symptoms worsen. For obvious reasons, ozone therapy clinics do not talk about this. Instead they present ozone therapy as a natural modality with no or minimal side effects. A lab test predicting precisely how one reacts to the treatments does not exist.
• Most people travel especially for the 10 Pass treatment. Keep in mind though, that it requires good and strong veins. It is performed using a large needle, plus the hyperbaric process puts an extra strain on blood vessels. Occasionally, individuals are forced to abort treatment if their veins are not strong enough.
• A single month long treatment might not be enough. If you are suffering from ongoing inflammation or a chronic infection, you might have to continue with ozone therapy after your return. Depending on whether you do this with the help of your doctor or at home, you may be facing additional costs.
• The only reliable way to know that there is healing potential is to undergo a few trial treatments. It might make sense to find a local ozone doctor and do a few ozone IVs before committing to a month-long program worth thousands of dollars in a foreign country. If you respond positively, you will most likely do well on a prolonged treatment schedule.
Have you excluded Mercury Toxicity as your problem?
Are you certain about what's causing your chronic illness? Have you, for example, excluded mercury toxicity as your problem? There is reason to believe that many Lyme diagnoses are based on inaccurate and unreliable lab tests. Mercury toxicity causes symptoms which are often ascribed to Lyme. In such cases, ozone therapy might still help with symptoms — since ozone is an anti-inflammatory agent and mercury often causes systemic inflammation — but the relief may only be temporary, at best.
Symptoms can return, especially if you still have an ongoing mercury exposure like amalgam fillings. In addition, the rare cases of adverse reactions to ozone are most often linked to mercury toxic cases. Before undergoing a costly and high intensity ozone treatment, it's best to check for mercury toxicity first.
The best test for mercury can amount to as little as $20 (the cost of a bottle of Alpha Lipoic Acid). The chelation program itself can cost as little as $20 to $150 per month (depending on which chelators and how many supplements you will be taking).
Have you excluded Breast Implant Illness as your problem?
There is a growing awareness about the health dangers stemming from various types of breast implants, from silicone to saline or gummy bear implants. Women often report thyroid problems, fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, hypoglycemia, depression, the sensation of dying during the night, heart palpitations, and many more symptoms which set in shortly after the surgery. In many cases symptoms improve dramatically after an explant.
Despite claims of doctors and manufacturers, silicone implants often leak (even if there is no rupture). Silicone can then move to the lymph nodes and clog them up. Saline transplants often turn moldy, or are contaminated with bacteria or viruses.
Implants can contain up to 40 different chemicals, most of which are known endocrine disrupters, neurotoxins and carcinogens.
Ozone therapy can help the body get rid of toxins, but if the leak is not stopped, then it will be only a temporary solution.
For more information read here or join the “Breast Implant Illness Healing Warriors” group on Facebook.
Let me help you save a few grand! Find out if you are a candidate for ozone therapy
A Critical Look at the Infusio Program
There are two Infusio clinics: one in Beverly Hills, California, USA, and the other in Frankfurt, Germany. Their program mainly consists of stem cell infusions, 10 Pass ozone treatments, glutathione and CaEDTA-IVs, a vegan diet plan, and a number of other treatments. They cater to many chronically sick with a Lyme diagnosis.
They claim they see improvement in 85% of their patients, of those a large part is allegedly 100% recovered. This data is collected and published by the clinics themselves.
Can they really be trusted?
Infusio says that the end result of the stem cell treatments can take up to a year to fully materialize. But the clinics only do check-ups 3 months post treatment. How many of those who did not see an improvement did not return the clinic's calls and hence where never included in the statistics? It is not uncommon for doctors to claim cases as successes, which then turn out to be exactly the opposite. Sometimes, patients who have aborted treatments due to side effects, are quoted as examples of how well a therapy worked (Join the groups “Ozone, Chelation, and Paleo Diet” and “Ozone to Health” on Facebook to learn about at least one such case).
Additionally, many who have completed a treatment at Infusio report worsening or emergence of symptoms such as anxiety, panic, insomnia, dizziness, depression, fatigue, tingling sensations, and headaches. Infusio contends these symptoms are a result of stem cells repairing the body and healing the patient. Often, they are only temporary. In some, they seem to linger for a worryingly long time. Especially the emergence of new neurological symptoms can be very distressing to patients.
Those exact same symptoms are often reported by those who have never undergone stem cell treatments, but instead only glutathione and other incorrect chelation methods with a known ongoing mercury exposure like amalgams or with known mercury toxicity. Their symptoms are the result of mercury redistribution. Glutathione and other intravenous chelation IVs can cause additional, sometimes permanent damage. It this also what Infusio patients go through? The clinic claims that mercury redistribution is impossible. Yet patients are not tested correctly for mercury toxicity prior to the treatments, hence it cannot be excluded that those are indeed symptoms of mercury damage.
When does it make sense to travel abroad to undergo an intensive ozone marathon?
Despite the rare potential for negative side effects and the prohibitive cost of undergoing Ozone Therapy treatments, traveling abroad to undergo treatment can make sense in the following cases:
• When conventional methods — antibiotics or antivirals — fail to eradicate an infection caused by Lyme, Ebstein Barr Virus, Herpes, or other pathogens. Ozone therapy can help minimize symptoms, reduce outbreaks, or sometimes even eliminate an infection. But: this is rendered the more difficult, the more the immune system is hampered by chronic mercury toxicity.
• If you already made the decision that you would like to undergo an intensive ozone therapy program, especially with the 10 Pass method, traveling to Europe could actually save you money, even when factoring in travel and hotel costs. Some doctors in Europe, including Dr. Johann Lahodny (the inventor of the 10 Pass) charge as little as 120 Euros (about $140). In the US, the same treatment can cost up to 9 times that.
• If you have cancer and do not want to use chemotherapy or radiation, or if you have exhausted those options, or if you want to use ozone therapy as an adjunct treatment. Although ozone is not a panacea for all illnesses, including cancer, sufficient anecdotal evidence exists to warrant ozone therapy in many cases.
• When you have tried ozone before and have benefited from it. If you've benefited from ozone therapy once, it stands to reason you would continue to do so.
• If you have benefited from hydrogen peroxide therapy, there is a likelihood you will benefit from ozone therapy because the underlying mechanism is very similar. A comparable reasoning applies to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
• If you suffer from open sores or wounds which have not responded to conventional therapies like surgery or antibiotics, ozone, especially the 10 Pass treatment, can be very effective. Dr. Johann Lahodny has a collection of such cases with impressive before and after pictures.
• Another area where ozone therapy is very effective are all sorts of auto-immune conditions like for example rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis, or psoriasis.
• If you suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular, or circulatory problems, ozone can prevent the onset of debilitating complications.
• If you have no ongoing chronic health problems but want to continue with ozone therapy as a preventive measure or as an anti-aging regiment.
Best way to proceed:
If you're considering Ozone Therapy as a solution to chronic health problems and aren't sure what to do next, these suggestions are for you.
Step 1: Find out if you are mercury toxic. If you are, proper, safe chelation is your priority and not ozone treatments. Ozone therapy could still be of benefit for you, but you can do that comfortably at home, without having to travel.
Step 2: Find a local ozone doctor and do a few trial rounds of ozone treatments. If you benefit from them, you'll need to decide whether to continue with that doctor, treat yourself at home, or do an intensive ozone program at a clinic.
Step 3: Find a clinic which is willing to work with you. After all, you are paying premium prices and should expect premium service. Do not over-complicate things. If you participate in a program that consists of too many types of treatments, it becomes difficult to determine what brings about positive changes and what does not. Treatments that redistribute mercury make it more likely you'll suffer negative side effects.
Recommended ozone therapy clinics
The Y & C Institute and the new NeoMed Institute in Cyprus offer a 1 month ozone treatment with 10 Passes, ozonated saline, massages, vitamins and mineral IVs for Euro 5,500 (around US$ 6,400), plus cost of travel and accommodation. Although numerous clinics in Europe cater to a North American and Australian clientele, the Y & C Institute provides in my opinion the best value.
Unlike other clinics they do not offer glutathione or other chelation IVs, so you don’t have to worry about ending up with more mercury in your nervous system than before. At the Y & C Institute in Cyprus, you basically spend a month in a beautiful location on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, enjoy the beautiful landscape, food and hospitality, and treat yourself to cutting edge ozone treatments. The clinic also offers cosmetic procedures, so you can come home rejuvenated from the inside and out. They have recently opened a second location, so now there is one in Nicosia and one in Limassol.
Dr. Johann Lahodny, the inventor of the 10 Pass method, practices ozone therapy at his clinic in St. Pölten, Austria, 30 min by train outside of Vienna. Dr Lahodny supplements his ozone treatments with high dose rectal insufflations of up to 2000 ml per treatment (as opposed to the standard 100 to 500 ml).
If you choose to do one 10 Pass every day 5 times a week, this would amount to around US$ 2,800 for a month. You would need to find your own accommodation and cover the transport.
Getting into Dr Lahodny's clinic often involves a long waiting list. It can take several months to get an appointment, although he is known to be very accommodating to travelers passing through. Although he does EDTA chelation IVs, he does not push these treatments unless you specifically ask for them (so don't!).
Other, more exotic options: Travel to Indonesia or India, where especially the RHP/EBOO treatments seem to be quite popular.
Note: I have not visited any of the quoted clinics, nor do I benefit in any way, financially or otherwise, from recommending them.
Legal Disclaimer
Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or diagnostic tools have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Since every person is unique, we highly recommend you to consult with your licensed health care practitioner about the use of ozone products in your particular situation. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using Ozone Therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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- Five Ways to Optimize Ozone Therapy | The Power of Ozone - […] those who do well on ozone, programs like the ones offered by various ozone clinics in Cyprus where you…
Hey Paola,
I recently saw where mentioned a Dr. in Denver that does ozone.What is his name by the way.Also ,I want to mention I have used apitherapy for health issues and had success.Something worth exploring.
Ray D.
Hi Ray,
you may mean Dr. Shawn Naylor DO at the Soundclinic:
Hi Paola, I like your style ; ) and your website and your articles!
I still don't see why travel for Ozone Therapy if you can do it at home. For me personally, I would travel if I want to be pampered, I definitely would consider any of these places in the near future. Well, of course, having a doctor on site is a big plus!
But! In my case, now, I have to fight cancer, mom has, obviously traveling is not an option at 78.
I am about to order the Ozone Generator, I have the oxygen tank and regulator, and I'll try to start as soon as possible the rectal insufflations. I am also planning to fill a big black trash bag with ozone while her body is inside, very well wrapped around the neck, and certainly waring that protective mask, great tip, will order it today.
I would appreciate your input.
Hi Nina,
it looks like you have found the link already to the bag.
I wish you and your mom success.
Hi paola
Thanks for the info
I am thinking of going to cypruss and trying to choose b/w neomed or c&y. I rang them and they said they were seperate clinics. Do you have any thoughts on which may be better for lyme treatments?
Hi Dave,
I think your question has already been answered through the Facebook group?
If not, let me know.
Hello Paola
Do you know how to contact to Dr. Johann lahodny clinic?
I'm try to call them but anybody answered me, I'm desperate.
Thank in advance
Hi Rain,
This is the contact on their website: https://dr-lahodny.at/kontakt/
Did you count in the time difference? They're in Austria, that's between 6 to 9 hours ahead of the USA, or more depending where you are located.
excellent article! Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge.
Thank you for reading!