The First Published Study on the 10 Pass Ozone Therapy — What Does It Say?

by | Last updated: Aug 8, 2022 | 3 comments

first 10 pass ozone therapy study featured image

The 10 Pass is regarded as one of the best ozone treatments EVAH.

Once you start looking into ozone therapy, sooner or later you will come across this mythical and overpriced way of ozonating your blood.

The 10 Pass is the practice of drawing 200 ml of blood and mixing it with 200 ml of ozone at an ozone concentration of 70 mcg/ml, adding heparin, and doing the whole process ten times within an hour or so.

It is also called Ozone High Dose Therapy, or Lahodny 1.

Its inventor, Dr. Lahodny, claims the 10 Pass can reverse and prevent 100% of all diseases. (This is not a typo. Those are his exact words as uttered during one of his seminars I attended.)

He also said that the 10 Pass achieves this mainly through the increased production of stem cells.

Unfortunately, up until a few weeks ago, there was exactly zero research on the subject. All claims about the 10 Pass were based upon proclamations of ozone experts.

There were no studies which verified or refuted any of them.

Until now, that is.

A few weeks ago, a paper has been published with the sexy title “Ozone high dose therapy (OHT) improves mitochondrial bioenergetics in peripheral blood mononuclear cells” in a publication called “Translational Medicine Communications”.

What has the study found?

Does it prove that the 10 Pass is the bestest of the best?

The short answer: No, it does not.

The study does not allow for any conclusions about its efficacy in treating any specific condition. It also does not answer the question whether it is better or worse than other types of ozone treatments.

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What exactly was done during the study?

The long answer is this:

Six patients received 10 Pass treatments within one week. Each patient received two 10 Passes.

Their blood was analyzed before, after the first, and then one week after the second 10 pass treatment.

The blood samples were examined for certain blood markers. Those blood markers were used to determine something called the Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI), which is a collection of various oxygen markers like basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR), ATP-linked oxygen consumption rate and proton lead, and maximal OCR and reserve capacity and non-mitochondrial OCR. The mitochondrial and glycolytic profiles were checked as well.

What were the results of the study?

The results showed a significant improvement in all the mentioned blood markers one week after the second 10 Pass.

The study authors came to the conclusion that the OHT

“stimulates aerobic consumption of oxygen which is indicative of mitochondrial activation”.

Basically, according to the author, it shows that the 10 Pass “improves mitochondrial health”.


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What do the study results mean?

So, you may say, isn’t this great? Aren’t many doctors concerned with mitochondria? Aren’t mitochondria majorly responsible for energy production? Isn’t their malfunctioning implicated in many chronic diseases?

Yes, yes, and yes.

All this is certainly true. Unfortunately, the study does not prove that anything could be successfully treated with the 10 Pass.

Here is why:

The six study participants were not selected for any specific condition. Four of the six had “no acute/chronic disease”. Of the remaining two one had diverticulosis 30 years prior and cholezystectomy in 2010. The other had colon cancer in 2012.

Essentially, six of the six had no acute disease.

See for yourself:

10 pass ozone study participants

Listing of all the six study participants of the first ever 10 Pass study. None of them was suffering from any acute or chronic disease. Perfectly healthy people were treated with 10 Pass ozone therapy.

Consequently, no symptoms were evaluated either before, during or after the 10 Pass treatments.

This means that although the 10 Pass made the blood markers look fabulous, we don’t know whether this translated into a matching symptom response.

Basically: No one asked the study participants how they felt afterwards. Did their symptoms improve or worsen or did they stay the same? But also: Which symptoms? They didn't have any! Since they were not suffering from any acute nor chronic conditions.


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Many other shortcomings of the study:

In addition, the study has many other flaws which make its findings more or less irrelevant.

Here just the most obvious ones:


  • The author has major conflicts of interests. The paper has two authors, Brigitte König and Dr. Johann Lahodny himself, the inventor of the 10 Pass. The same man who in the past made incredulous claims about his baby, claiming it can cure 100% of all diseases. That very man has now taken it upon himself to objectively examine his crown achievement?

  • The patients stem from the author’s patient pool. They were obviously selected, not randomly picked. Something the authors are not trying to hide (“Six consecutive patients who visited Dr. Lahodny for preventive OHT treatments were selected for this pilot study.”), but it renders the paper nearly meaningless. Obviously, it's in the doctor's interest to make the results look as good as possible and hence to pick patients with the best responses to the intervention.
  • The number of participants is statistically irrelevant. It is generally accepted that anything below n=30 is not informative when it comes to sample sizes. Dr. Lahodny used six (or was it five?).
  • There is no control group. Yes, the numbers of the BHI index look beautiful after the two 10 Passes, but how would they look if the patients were injected with something else, like Vitamin C or some conventional drugs? Maybe, the BHI index changes no matter what is injected into a patient? Impossible to know since there was no control group.
  • Unusual selection of a blood marker. I have never heard of a Bioenergetic Health Index. I regularly look at clients’ laboratory results. I have never had a single client who showed me the results of his or her oxygen consumption rate. I don’t know of any doctor who regularly orders an ATP-linked OCR. This is not to say that this test is no good. Maybe it is, I don't know. But it makes the findings of the study difficult to evaluate since we don’t have anything to compare the results to. Maybe ozone saunas have an even better effect on the BHI than the 10 Pass? Or maybe a 30 minute walk in the park can produce the same positive changes on the reserve capacity oxygen consumption rate? Again, impossible to say, since it’s not a blood marker that is commonly used.
  • There were six patients, but only five had their blood tested after the first 10 Pass. There is no explanation anywhere in the study why only five, not six, blood results were considered to calculate the averages after the first 10 Pass. What happened to patient number six? Why are his results not included? During a study, if patients drop out, this has to be explained and accounted for. Missing laboratory results can skew the results to make the study results look better. There is no explanation anywhere in the study for the missing study participant (unless I have overlooked something. If so, let me know in the comments.). This does not make the study look very credible.
10 pass ozone therapy study 5 not 6 study participants

Why have the blood results of only 5 study participants been considered when calculating the averages after the first 10 pass ozone treatment, and not six? Have the results been intentionally omitted because they made the results not look good or was the patient not available?

  • Sloppy research. Well, at least in one point. The paper mentions another study, published in 2020 by Dr. Franzini et al. as an example of a successful use of the OHT (“Quite recently, it has been reported in a clinically study that the “L1” 10 passes OHT was a successful addition to conventional therapy [20].”).  Unfortunately, the cited study does NOT describe the use of OHT, but that of MAH (Major Autohemotherapy). Those are two different blood ozone treatments which vary by a factor of at least 10 when it comes to the used ozone amount. The inventor of the 10 Pass should know how to keep those two apart, you'd think …

What’s the bottom line?

The study by Dr. Lahodny on the topic of the 10 Pass and its effect on mitochondrial function is just another piece of a long collection of low quality studies in the field of ozone therapy.

All in all, I believe that the findings of the study are mostly irrelevant. 

I find the many reports from patients in our Facebook group much more informative than this paper.

The 10 Pass — like essentially all types of ozone treatments — can be highly effective for certain conditions. You don’t need a poorly designed study to find this out. All you need is talk to people who had it done. Although, when you do, you will find out that it does not quite live up to its hype. But often enough it can produce astounding results.

The paper does give something of value, though: It offers an interesting, although discouraging, insight into the state of current ozone therapy research.

What has been your experience with the 10 Pass? Let us know below.


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About the author:

PaolaI’m Paola the Crazy Old Ozone Lady behind The Power of Ozone. I’m a licensed naturopathic practitioner, natural health consultant, ozone therapy enthusiast, researcher, and ozone therapy analyst. I hold certificates in ozone therapy, hyperbaric ozone applications, Oxyvenierung, and the Andrew Cutler chelation. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, I’ve chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and I’ve been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions.

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Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or treatments have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these treatments or products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment or the information on this page. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using ozone therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.

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This website contains links to vendors of products I endorse, including If you decide to make a purchase through one of my links, they will pay me a commission. This does not influence my opinion about the products, as you can see from my reviews.


  1. Matthew

    Great review Paola. In my experience of ten pass (6 treatments over 2 weeks), I observed a lot of gunk in the bottle at time 1, clots in the needle etc – gradually improving until clear at time 6. However, I didn't feel any difference in symptoms. I have immunological problems and a range of issues like sensory neuropathy and tinnitus (a shout out to the brilliant minds at astrazeneca for creating such a “safe and effective” drug).

    • Paola Dziwetzki

      Hi Matthew,

      thank you for sharing!


  2. Marie

    Thank you Paola for this article- I am surprised that there were not any part of the study comparing the effect of the 10 pass with for example MAH or DIV. This seems to be essential for the claim that it is the best of the best.


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