How to Protect Yourself From Breathing Ozone

Doing ozone treatments at home is generally a very safe activity.
But there is the risk of breathing in some of the excess ozone gas which tends to escape into the room.
If you accidentally get too much ozone into your lungs, it can irritate or damage them.
The resulting pain and discomfort can take days to resolve and it can exacerbate existing lung conditions.
If you tend to use your ozone equipment a lot, having to deal with a lung injury can keep you from badly needed ozone treatments.
Consequently, every home ozone setup should include solutions on how to protect yourself from breathing ozone. The most common ones are masks, using a fan, a destructor, towels, and plenty of ventilation.
Let's go one-by-one, in no particular order:
1. Wear a Mask

One of the best protections against ozone in the room: a 3M respirator.
Wearing a mask is my favorite way to keep ozone out of the lungs.
But not everyone shares my enthusiasm. Although since the implementation of one of the biggest corporate welfare programs in human history, many people have changed their attitude towards masks.
Are they absolutely necessary when doing ozone at home? No, of course. You can use any of the other precautions I list on this page.
But I found the mask to be a game changer: it allows for more flexibility and one can watch a screen during the ozone treatments instead of having to face the rotating blades of a fan.
The mask consists of two parts: the face piece and the filters.
The filters are completely interchangeable. Any 3M filter will fit onto the mask.
For ozone, I recommend filters with the numbers 2097 or 2138. Their specifications quote ozone as one of the gasses they remove. Although, I found that other filters will often do the job just as well even though ozone is not mentioned in the specs.
A pair of filters can last a very long time, up to several years, even with heavy use.
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2. Use a Fan

During ear insufflations excess ozone will escape and flow down your face. If you don't protect yourself, you may end up inhaling it. A fan solves the problem.
Another popular way to protect yourself from breathing ozone during home ozone treatments is a fan.
You can put it in front of your sauna, your body bag, or when doing vaginal or ear insufflations.
The fan will blow the gas away and protect your lungs. It's a good idea to have a window or a door open at the same time, to give the gas a way to leave the room.
You can also combine it with a towel or a mask.
A note about ceiling fans: they may be helpful in creating additional air circulation in the room, but they will not prevent you from breathing the ozone in during an ozone treatment.
Find your fan of choice on amazon.
3. Use Your Patio
In the above video I demonstrate how I ozonate water on my balcony.
Do you have a patio or a large enough balcony?
Great! Use it.
By setting up your ozone equipment outside you will ensure maximum ventilation.
Although, you may still need to put a fan in front of you during an ozone sauna.
An outside space is perfect to ozonate water, too, especially if your ozone bubbler does not have an attached destructor.
If you are planning on leaving your ozone equipment outside, make sure to protect it against bird droppings, dust, and rain.
The Power of Ozone SHOP
4. Open Windows and Doors
Not everyone has a patio. But everyone has a window or a door. Some even have both!
If you are one of those lucky people, open them to allow for the ozone to escape your living space as fast as possible.
Do you have windows on opposite sides fo your apartment? Great! Set them wide open and create a draft.
5. Use an Ozone Destructor

A syringe filling station will protect you from accidentally breathing ozone when preparing for ozone injections.
Use an ozone destructor whenever possible.
A destructor is a container filled with ozone neutralizing material like manganese oxide. It has an inlet and an outlet so that gas can pass through. Ozone flows in through one side of the destructor and pure oxygen flows out the other.
The downside is that there are limited uses for ozone destructors: they can only be applied when filling syringes or when ozonating water.
For water ozonation, water bubblers with an integrated destructor are a great solution, see picture below.
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Promolife sells a whole collection of water bubblers with destructors attached to them. The black container on top of the bubbler – that's where the excess ozone is broken down to oxygen.

Another solution is to attach a separate destructor (the metal tube) to the output silicone hose of the water bubbler. The photo shows a water bubbler by SimplyO3.
The other option is to buy the destructor tube separately and attach it to the ozone output hose of the water bubbler.
A syringe filling station is another piece of ozone equipment where destructors can be of great help. It consists of a three way valve, a destructor, and a filter. Before filling the syringe, you first let the ozone run through the destructor for a few seconds, then turn the lever to fill the syringe with ozone.
There are also ozone generators which are equipped with built-in destructors like the Stratus 3.0.
6. Wrap a Towel Around Your Neck

When using the full body bag put a towel around your neck to prevent ozone from escaping and getting into your lungs.
Protect yourself from breathing ozone when using the ozone body bag or the sauna by putting a towel around your neck.
Especially during an ozone sauna a lot of ozone gas can escape through the neck hole. A towel wrapped tightly around the neck will prevent the gas from getting into your nostrils.
A similar situation happens when you place yourself inside a body bag.
Keep in mind that a towel alone may not be enough. You may need to use a mask and a fan as well.
The Best Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home
7. Put a Towel On Your Lap

Here, you see a combination of two safety precautions during vaginal insufflations: a mask and a towel on the lap.
This is something specifically when doing vaginal insufflations in a continuous fashion, which is how they're mostly performed. During the treatment, a considerable amount of ozone will escape the same way it came in.
To prevent you from breathing it in, put a pillow or a towel on your lap which will soak the gas in.
Make sure the pillow or towel are either white or old, since ozone will bleach the color out of any fabric.
8. Don't Hold the Ozone Output Hose Close To Your Nose

If you need to check if your ozone generator produces ozone, don't ever hold the ozone output hose close to your nose. Instead use your other hand to gently fan some ozone towards you.
Some people like to check if ozone is being produced before they start the ozone administration, so they keep the ozone tubing close to their nose and check for an ozone smell.
Do NOT do this.
This is a sure way to hurt yourself. The last time I did this I nearly passed out.
The correct and safe way to check for ozone is to use your hand to fan the output gas towards your face and see if you can smell the gas.
Best: don’t check for the ozone smell at all.
If your ozone machine has a light which goes on when you turn it on, then chances are good that it’s producing ozone.
If in doubt, you can perform the latex glove test: direct the ozone stream towards a latex glove. Ozone easily destroys latex. If there is ozone coming out of the machine, you will see holes forming inside the glove.
You will also notice it during the ozone administration, since in spite of all the above precautions some ozone will always find its way into the room and be eventually detected by your nose.
9. Leave the Room
You don't have one of those fancy water bubblers with the attached destructor but instead just use an old wine bottle or a jug to ozonate your water?
Not a problem.
Just leave the room as long as the ozone machine is running, and open the windows wide open.
You can use any open glass container to ozonate water, as long as you protect yourself from the escaping ozone.
When you get back into the room hold your breath, grab the water jug, and leave quickly. Allow for the room to air out before you go back in.
10. Hold Your Breath

First, turn your face away from the glass with the ozonated water and take a deep breath. Then drink the O3 water while still holding your breath.
This is a helpful trick to protect yourself from breathing ozone when drinking ozonated water.
Ozone gas will collect on top of the water surface.
Here is how to avoid inhaling it when you drink the water:
First, hold the glass with the ozonated water away from you. Then, take a deep breath and drink the water while holding your breath the whole time.
11. Keep Vitamin C Handy

If you accidentally breathed in too much ozone, squeeze a bunch of lemons or limes and drink the juice, or dissolve some vitamin C powder in water and drink it.
This last tip will not protect you from breathing ozone in, but it will help you after the fact.
So, in case you were not careful enough and some ozone got into your lungs, dissolve half a spoon of Vitamin C powder in a glass of water and drink it right away.
Keep repeating this throughout the day until the lung discomfort resolves.
Vitamin C is an ozone antagonist and can be a very quick and helpful way to deal with ozone accidents.
If you're keeping ozone equipment at home, you should keep vitamin C handy for emergency cases.
Have I missed anything? Do you have other ideas how to protect yourself from breathing ozone when doing ozone treatments at home? Let us know in the comments below!
About the author:
I’m Paola the Crazy Old Ozone Lady behind The Power of Ozone. I’m a licensed naturopathic practitioner, natural health consultant, ozone therapy enthusiast, researcher, and ozone therapy analyst. I hold certificates in ozone therapy, hyperbaric ozone applications, Oxyvenierung, and the Andrew Cutler chelation. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, I’ve chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and I’ve been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions.
Legal Disclaimer
Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or treatments have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these treatments or products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment or the information on this page. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using ozone therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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© 2024 The Power Of Ozone
My husband and I are new to ozone water and your Channel.
I am a caretaker for a 95-year-old young lady and she has used her machine for over 15 years. Her skin looks amazing.
As yours does. How many 8-ounce glass would you recommend each day?
Thank you,
Keep on Keeping on
Will ozone treatment kill scabies. Any recommendations for safety?
Thank you for your reply.
I don't experience any diffuclties with breathing during or after the therapies, so I guess it's just the normal amount.
Thanks again for the help !
Hi Paola,
Thank you for all the great info on your website !
I have a question, during my ozone sessions (limb bagging, cupping, VI) I wear a mask and I always open a big window, but strangely enough I keep smelling ozone.
Is this harmful ? I am under the impression that I can't escape the smell sometimes. I already have asthma and lung problems which I surely don't want to become worse.
Thank you in advance !
Best regards,
Hi Magaly,
it is normal to smell a bit of ozone during ozone sessions. Small amounts don't appear to be harmful, but when you feel like your breathing is restricted or you start wheezing or develop a sore throat, you should stop the ozone and/or look for a better solution. Maybe it's just a matter of tightening the mask or wearing the right type of mask?
Hi Paola, why do you recommend a low Vitamin A diet for breast cancer? I thought the opposite would be true.
Hi DrSalBee,
Grant Genereux has done the research:
He makes compelling arguments, in my opinion.
I bought dome ozone infrared sauna. Is it as effective as the steam?
Hi Nadia,
Yes, most likely, just make sure you are protected from any escaping ozone while you do the sauna.
Do you know why a mask might leak? I had a heavier I think stronger filter on and the first two sessions no issue then the third I briefly felt like maybe I smelled ozone then about an hour later got I guess an asthma reaction and it’s pretty consistently caused issues. An inhaler seemed to help and I’ve used a whole food vitamin c to try to quell it. My body probably does not have great anti inflammatory abilities right now which might explain why I’ve had problems persist though at lesser levels overtime since breathing it in.
I don’t know if I tightened up the mask too much during that third session and it may have warped as it felt for a brief moment like air was coming in from underneath on the chin but hard to say as it was all so brief. And I had a few fans but the strongest was pointed up so I didn’t know if that pushed it up at my face before pushing it away. Also the sauna unzips pretty easily if you lean back and it was even worse with the chair I had then and I had a towel but not tightly around the neck just setting loosely tied around the neck.
I’ve been trying to rework things before continuing and to fully quell any left over breathing issues that I seem to get most at midday right now or when I exert effort too much or get stressed which isn’t super hard for me anyway.
The first two sessions I never felt like I smelled ozone only during the third session for maybe two brief separate moments I felt like maybe I smelled ozone. And I’ve used ozonated oil to varying degrees of success and you really shouldn’t intake a lot of that by the way in my experience particularly if you have serious gut issues and malabsorption issues. But I know what ozone smells like due to that and it seemed similar to that. I’ve tried to check for leaks and find ways to seal the neck area better and avoid the mask leaking but it’s been hard to replicate whatever leak must have happened during leak checks. I’ve not worn masks like that that much before so was pretty new to applying it and how tight it should be and so on.
Thanks for any input you may have.
I’ve been trying a barbers cape to seal the neck area better and a full face mask to see if it holds the mask to your face better or is just stronger where the seals are. I had also thought of taping at least the underpart of the mask with medical tape which is a little cumbersome but might be slightly easier with a full face mask as the filters are out of the way a bit more. I’ve also moved one of the fans to be more directly on the neck area. It probably shouldn’t be needed to have a full face mask but if it reduced the chances of breathing it in maybe could be worth it. I’d rather not have that happen again after it’s already done some damage to my system that’s already not doing so hot and also not have that happen with anyone else I try to use the therapy with. I don’t know what anyones reaction could be from breathing it in mine hasn’t been good and quite a few of the people I know are also solidly sick even if not as bad as I am in some way.
Hi Caleb,
probably the mask didn't sit completely tightly.
You can tighten it through the straps on the side, though.
You may also want to get a neck fan, they sell for $20 on amazon.
I felt like I tightened it too much. The third session is when I tightened it up more and that’s when it seemed to leak. The full face mask has more straps than the half mask does.
I have stage 4 breast cancer which is spread to other areas of breast. Which ozone applications will be most helpful in my case?
Hi Mamed,
I would probably try vaginal insufflations and ozone saunas.
Also look into a low oxalate and low Vitamin A diet.
Hello Paola
I have a 23 cm long lipoma directly on my shoulder blade which is very painful and interferes with daily activities. Medical insurance will not pay, as they claim it is aesthetic surgery. They are sending me to a liposuction clinic which is a complete joke and is of course not paid for by med. insurance either.
How could ozone be used in this scenario? Please let me know what you would do.
Thankful for having found your website and all the Ozone Love you share with us.
Owner of a Longevity Ozone maker.
Hi K.T.-S.
I think direct ozone injections into and around the lipoma could help.
Best would be to find an ozone doctor who know how to do this …
I think Dr. Robert Rowen has or had a video up on Youtube where he successfully injected a lipoma on a woman's wrist.
My colorectal cancer which has been gone for the last 3 yrs is back. I have an inoperable tumor between my colon and vagina and need to shrink it. Would doing ozone vaginally or rectally help this? Which place would be best? Vaginally or in rectum?
Hi Susan,
Yes, I would recommend doing vaginal ozone insufflations daily of 10 to 20 min at 40 to 50 mcg/ml.
Dear Paola:
Thank you for the opportunity of commenting.
I got exited and bought in amazon:
Ivation Portable Ozone Generator 600mg/h – Multipurpose Air Sterilizing & Freshening System w/2 Silicone Tubes, 2 Diffuser Stones & Timer; Purifies Air, Water, Food, Toothbrush.
I going to use a clear bag and tape to put ozone air in the right foot for some skin problem.
I hope it helps, then I will continue following your website recommendations. Thank you again.
I hope it will help you, too! Keep us posted either way.
I just got an ozone generator and accidentally directly breathed in ozone for a couple of seconds. My head has been hurting for more than 12 hours. I get migraines and it feels like a migraine. Should I be worried or is this normal? My eyes hurt too, should I protect my eyes when using the OG? Thanks.
Hi Nana,
you should not direct the ozone straight into your eyes, but other than that there is usually no special precaution necessary.
For the headaches – take lots of vitamin C until it passes. And wait. Hopefully, in a few days it will go away.
And be careful the next time!
Will the mask you talked about help when I occupy the ozone room for somewhat long periods of time like 15-20 minutes maybe 30 max
Hi Ricardo,
yes, it will!
Hi there,
I have quadriplegia from the spinal cord injury. So it is necessary for me to get help from my caregivers to use my O-Zone generator. I just got it last week. One of my caregivers is recovering from lime disease and is incredibly sensitive too many substances and she is concerned about breathing in the O-Zone. My main interest is doing rectal insufflations. Have you heard of any very sensitive people reacting to leakage from putting O-Zone into A bag? What I am trying to say here is that the generator doesn’t have to be run for very long to put AutoZone into the bag.
The mask is very inexpensive so I am guessing that could be a good addition.
We use the generator in my bathroom and the fan in the ceiling is constantly running. So I was thinking if I also have a fan blowing on equipment and she is wearing the mask and the ceiling fan is always running at the risk of breathing any O-Zone and should be very very minimal.
What do you think?
Hi Michael,
the best way to avoid any escape of ozone when doing RI is by using a syringe filling station and a syringe. The way I show it in this video: . This plus the use of a mask like this one is the best solution. And yes, I have heard of some people being *extremely* sensitive to even the smallest amounts of ozone.
>>> or breath humidified oxygen tube … may be
thank you
Hi – I’m researching the best way to use a portable steam sauna for my 87 yr old mom with an external fungatung breast tumor.
My questions are
1.are we always supposed to use steam – or can I use only ozone?
2. I have the promolife ozone generator. Is there somewhere on your site that shows how to set up the destructor with a sauna?
3. If we use steam – should we use distilled water?
4. I have only used the generator with the bubbler at the same time – if using steam -I can skip the bubbler right?
Sorry so many questions!
Hi Becky,
1. I am not sure, I understand your question: if you want to do the ozone sauna, then yes, you always need to use steam. Otherwise it won't be a sauna. But you can also get the transdermal benefit of ozone through cupping – this does not require steam. But the skin needs to be moistened the whole time by regularly spraying warm water on the skin.
2. There is no way to use the destructor for the sauna. It cannot be used during an ozone sauna.
3. Yes. It will cause less or no stone formation in the steamer pot.
4. Yes.
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