Breathing Ozonated Olive Oil
What is Breathing Ozonated Olive Oil?
Breathing ozonated olive oil means breathing ozone which has been bubbled through olive oil. When ozone is bubbled through oil it creates ozonides or LOPs, lipid oxidation products. Those molecules retain the therapeutic properties of ozone without damaging the lungs. Breathing ozonated olive oil, or BOOO, can help with a wide range of respiratory issues like asthma, COPD, bronchitis, or congested sinuses.

1. Oxygen source:
Use either an oxygen tank or an oxygen concentrator which produces oxygen of at least 90% purity. Whatever oxygen source you choose, make sure your ozone generator is able to produce concentrations of around 10 mcg/ml at an oxygen flow of 1/2 LPM.
2. Ozone generator:
It should be an oxygen fed generator which can produce ozone concentrations of around 10 to 20 mcg/ml at an oxygen flow of 1/2 LPM. Any of the recommended generators on this page can be used.
A trap is made of glass, it has an inlet which is connected to a stem, and an outlet. It protects the ozone generator from back-flowing oil.
An oil bubbler is another gas washing bottle. The oil bubbler is where you pour olive oil in to ozonate it.
3. Trap
A trap serves to prevent oil from entering the ozone generator. Liquids which are ozonated can flow back into the generator and damage it. Once oil gets into the machine it can't be salvaged. So it's very important to prevent oil back-flow. In the photo above I use a cheap gas washing bottle which is originally intended as laboratory equipment. They are perfect for traps and oil bubblers. You can buy them in various forms and sizes on amazon or ebay. The drawback is that different gas washing bottles call for different silicone tubing. So you may have to try several tubings out first, before you find one which fits. The solution is to buy a trap from Promolife or SimplyO3. They come with already attached silicone tubing and connectors.
4. Oil bubbler with olive oil
You can use a second gas washing bottle as an oil bubbler, or you can get one here or here. The bubbler is where ozonides or LOPs, Lipid Oxidation Products, are produced. Those are molecules which are generated when ozone is run through oil. They retain all the therapeutic properties of ozone but are not damaging to the lungs. After a while the oil can get saturated with ozone at which point it's important to exchange it for a fresh batch, otherwise you're running the risk of breathing raw ozone instead of ozonides. The more oil is poured into the bubbler, the longer it lasts and the less often it needs to be substituted with new one.
There is some discussion about what type of olive oil to use, whether it should be organic or if lower quality oils can be used as well. The Russian ozone pioneers I visited in Russia were adamant about using refined oils only. They claim that refined oils render better results than unrefined ones. Since during BOO the oil is not ingested nor does it enter the human body in any significant amounts, I personally do not see the importance of using unrefined or organic oils, and tend to go along with the Russian suggestions. Since it is very difficult to find refined olive oil anyway, this discussion is mostly theoretical. In my opinion any olive oil will do the job.
The cannula is strapped around the ears and delivers the ozonated oil straight into your nostrils.
The connector attaches the cannula to the hose which leads from the oil bubbler.
You will need extra silicone tubing to connect everything. Silicone tubing can be easily cut with a pair of scissors.
There are many different ways to connect the nasal cannula with the silicone tubing which leads from the oil bubbler. The above connector is only one of many possible solutions.
You will also need a bunch of luer locks. These come in only one size. It's always a good idea to have a bunch of them handy when setting up your own home ozone equipment.
5. Cannula, connector, silicone tubing
You need either a nasal cannula or a mask. Both Promolife and SimplyO3 carry them. The best type of cannula is one made entirely out of silicone, like this one. It's more expensive, but ideal for ozone applications. In order to connect the cannula with the silicone tubing (which leads from the oil bubbler), you will need a special connector or a pair of luer locks. Extra silicone tubing may be necessary to connect the two gas washing bottles with each other. Depending on the circumference of the inlets and outlets of the bottles, different sized tubing may be required.
6. Extras: empty box with bubble wrap
I highly recommend buying a container and bubble wrap and placing the glass trap and bubbler inside to prevent breakage or spillage. This bubbler already comes with a stand.
How to Perform Breathing Ozonated Olive Oil?
You will find detailed step-by-step instructions here.
1. Set everything up: plug the ozone generator into the socket and connect your oxygen source (either oxygen tank or oxygen concentrator) with the ozone generator. Then connect the inlet of the trap (the part which is connected to the stem) with the ozone outlet of the ozone generator. Connect the outlet of the trap with the inlet of the oil bubbler. Connect the outlet of the oil bubbler with the nasal cannula. Pour olive oil into the oil bubbler. The more oil you pour in, the less often will you have to exchange it. I suggest to fill the bubbler around 2/3 full.
2. Turn on the oxygen source. If it’s a tank: open the valve of the tank and the regulator at 1/2 LPM. If it’s an oxygen concentrator: let the machine warm up for a few minutes, then adjust the external regulator to 1/2 LPM. The moment you turn on the oxygen, you should start seeing bubbles in the oil bubbler.
3. If you're using an ozone generator with a dial knob, set the ozone concentration relatively low at around 10 mcg/ml. If you're using a non-adjustable ozone generator, set the oxygen flow so that the resulting ozone concentration does not exceed 20 mcg/ml.
3. Put the cannula on.
4. You can read a book, work on your laptop, or take a nap during that time.
5. After you’re done turn off the ozone generator and the oxygen. After you close the oxygen source the oil bubbler will stop producing bubbles. You can reuse the oil and the cannula.
Risks and How to Avoid Them
Risk: The oil becomes saturated with ozone over time and does not produce ozonides anymore. You end up breathing raw ozone instead of ozonides.
How to avoid it: Change the oil frequently, especially if you start experiencing harshness or irritation after the procedure.
Use enough oil. The more oil you use, the more distance do the ozone bubbles have to travel through the oil and the less raw ozone is left over. I suggest to fill the bubbler a good 2/3 full. Long shaped bubblers may be preferable to shorter and thicker ones.
Legal Disclaimer
Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products or diagnostic tools have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA nor any other medical authority approved these products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment. It is highly advised to receive professional council from a licensed doctor before using ozone therapy or any of the mentioned products or tests on yourself.
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Hi Paola,
I just wanted to say I love your YouTube Channel but even more so your attitude and humor toward the death cult we call conventional or allopathic “so-called” med*cine. Every time my husband and I watch you, you crack me up!
Anyhow, I'll try to make this short and sweet, back 2008 I was diagnosed with Crohn's Colitis, a few years later I also discovered I had Lyme Disease. Anyhow, after only about 1-2 years of trying to do things allopathically, I finally gave up on all that and took the high road to holistic healing and for about 6-7 years I did really, really well. However, for the last 5-6 but specifically the last 3 years, I've started to have some major flares again despite all my efforts to try to heal my bowels naturally and I've been doing ozone off and on for years but only ever by way of my ears, nose insufflations, and 5-pass ozone with DMSO IV's.
In fact, one of my old practitioners had an ozone generator by “Recover You” that she needed to sell so I recently purchased it from her and have started doing rectal insufflation as well. I still have yet to try it vaginally but I will get there.
However, the reason why I needed to take a more drastic approach at this point in time is that with my last flare… oh by the way, I probably should have given you a bit of a back story, I think most if not all my reoccurrence of my illnesses was specifically triggered by a massive amount of trauma for the last three years along with stress because I myself have been very public and vocal online about the whole CV nonsense and during that time my father was killed (by the vent!), my mother in law passed away and my sister lost her son, so yeah, a lot of stress is what did it for sure!
Nonetheless, with my most recent flare which was the worst one I have ever experienced in my life, I was going to the bathroom 15-20 times a day and bleeding A LOT for about 3 months. I dropped down to 88lbs from 112lbs and was literally wasting away! I was finally hospitalized and put on steroids to reduce the bowel movements and inflammation which was at 181 CRP, so it was really bad. They also ran multiple tests CT's, MRI, and colonoscopy, and discovered that my ulcers were really deep on my left side of my colon, rectum, and anus. I also had ulcers elsewhere but they weren't as bad but my Crohn's was definitely worse than it was back in 2008.
Then about 6-7 weeks ago I started to develop this excruciating pain in my anus which we later discovered again in the ER was a perianal abscess (lanced and drained in the ER and let me tell you that was a hole other sort of hell to have to experience!) turned into a fistula. So of course now the doctors here in are saying there isn't much they can do other than put a Seton in and put me on Biologics.
Anyhow, I've been doing ozone insufflations rectally and through my ears, Photon Light therapies of all kinds, PEMF, trying to reduce stress, using Plasma technology, eating an anti-inflammatory liquid diet, taking supplements, taking a few homeopathic remedies and Chinese herbs and now also playing with the idea of using medical grade honey up my backside to try to heal this damn infection, inflammation and hole in my butt!
My fistula does still drain quite a bit and there is definitely still an active abscess in there (because they didn't drain it properly the first time in the ER and I refused to take the antibiotics for fear that it would screw up other aspects of my digestion and bring the diarrhea back again which is now gone by the way and my CRP is down to 10.4 doing only natural stuff!). However, they may need to put in a Seton to prevent the abscess from reoccurring on the daily but of course, they don't want to do that unless I do the Biologics! So I'm in a bit of a dilemma.
I might have to agree to the Biologics for 6 months to a year so that they will perform the surgery but here is my question to you, do you know of any interactions between these drugs and still continuing to do ozone?
Also, do you think or have you ever come across any information about ozone helping to heal a fistula (I know I have found some on medical grade manuka or honeydew melon honey but nothing on ozone?)
Also, what concentration do you think would be best? I'm using my current generator on 1/4 on the second dial which produces about 33 gamma and doing that once a day, 10 minutes in my ears and 400 ml rectally through a bag. However, when I do it in my ears at that concentration I smell quite a bit of ozone which has me concerned and I wonder if I need to produce less gamma or if my distructor needs to be replaced since this is a secondhand unit?
Also, when we first got the unit we unfortunately did not know any better because the instructions didn't specify this and we got water into the unit but after doing everything the company said to do to try to fix the issue, it does seem to be fine but wonder if we ruined the distruct material?
I know this is long so I am sorry but because ozone is an oxidative therapy, how long after a treatment should one wait before doing anything that is considered an antioxidant because I also take higher doses of vitamin C, even do IV's sometimes but also do powdered smoothie supplments that also contain antioxidants? I'm now even considering adding hydrogen water to my line of things that I do as well which of course is also considered an antioxidant. I would just hate to destroy the effects of the ozone by doing an antioxidant too soon thereafter.
I don't get any throat or nose irritation when using my unit but I have noticed at the concentration up above I do get a bit lightheaded and a bit spacey!
Also, my mother has the beginning stages of COPD (a smoker but trying to quit) would nose insufflation of ozone be beneficial to help with the mucus clearing or would hydrogen inhalation be a better option since ozone can cause further oxidative stress? I'm just really concerned about making her lungs worse and can I use my water bubbler as a trap when using oil or should I buy a separate trap all together?
And the company that manufactured my generator also said that I should take breaks from time to time from ozone therapy, she said about every 21 days I should stop for a few weeks, what do you suggest?
Thank you for your time and your amazing effort to bring real healing knowledge back to this world that has been lost for so long! Thank you, thank you!
All The Best,
Just started doing BOOO with the Synergy WPS-100 machine and an oil bubbler with nasal cannula and one-way valve from Natural Ozone NZ. I ran it at 12.7 mcg/ml with 1L/min through the oxygen cylinder.
I used a combination of olive and coconut oils (probably 1:3) and after 5-10 min oil refluxed into the cannula and into my nose. It didn’t seem dangerous but spilled a lot of oil in my bathroom ! Was use of coconut oil the problem?
Hi Kellie,
How are you doing now? Curious as I am just about to start doing this with a 500ml beaker I just purchased from PromoLife.
Hi Paola,
I just found your site and am thankful to finally come across someone so knowledgeable about Ozone. I have one question in which I have yet to find an answer. I have a LOT of fungus, mold and nasal polyps in my nose. I have gone through 3 nose surgeries and this stuff keeps coming back. I just ordered my kit through PromoLife for breathing in Ozonated Olive Oil. Do you know if doing this will help with nasal polyps, fungus and mold in my sinuses?
– Kevin
Hi Kevin,
I have no way of looking into the future, so I don't know what will happen. I hope it will help. But dietary changes may be necessary, too, possibly … ?
I am wondering if you have heard of any success with Ozone regenerating Lung Tissues that have been “burnt” by long term Chlorine Inhalation from a job. Would OOBO be the best treatment to try? And is it reasonable to think that Ozone – in general – does help to repair tissues – so this could be a part of a successful treatment plan? Thank you for you time and all your efforts.
Hi Chandra,
I have never heard of such a case and I don't know if ozone would help …. I am not sure this is the right course of action to be honest. I assume the chlorine caused the burn due to its actions as an oxidative agent. Ozone is also oxidative. So I am not sure this the right way to approach it … it may be, I just don't know.
Hi. I am bubbling at 1/2 L/min and doing for 45 min (split through day) every other day. I have a 500 mL filled to 300 mL with olive oil and using oxygen tank. How long will this oil approx last before saturated? How do I know when it is saturated without damaging or inflaming my lungs. I am fighting lung cancer so want to be sure I’m not breathing in ozone. So far I smell kinda fresh olive oil. I have done 3 treatments. Thanks so much!
Hi Candice,
if you are doing this every day, then it could take around 2 to 3 weeks for the oil to become saturated.
Once it starts turning very translucent and visibly loses its color (from green to pale), this is another indication that you need to change it.
And once it starts losing that freshness.
I hope this helps. Report how it goes.
We are new to ozone use for health. We currently have an ozone generator that pumps air from the room. Is that sufficient to use with BOOO?
Hi DanS,
I do not recommend you use an air-fed ozone generator for BOOO.
Some air-fed machines are industrial grade and put out very high ozone concentrations which are not safe to be used for personal treatments and could cause lung damage.
I am a Pulmonologist trained in ozone therapy. I am trying to find any information I can on BOOO and whether anyone has studied it in treating lung disease. Do you have any journal references at all on BOOO? I checked with Frank Shallenberger and he did not know of any.
Thank you.
Hi Tom,
there are zero studies or papers on BOOO as far as I know …
For ears, is it effective to use ozone through olive oil?
I've been doing that for my sinuses and I tolerate it well. When I use ozone through water for my ears, they get insanely itchy to the point where it keeps me up at night if I don't use cortisone cream. That's even at low settings for short periods, such as a minute. I feel that the ozone through olive oil would be easier to tolerate, but would it work?
HI Andrea,
yes, this should work. Although I can imagine that the ozone concentration would be lowered considerably through the oil, but it can still be effective.
The other problem is that the oil will over time clog the earscope …. So, you'd need to find a solution for this …
An alternative to EI and BOOO are nasal rinses with ozonated water … This may be something to look into?
can you breathe the ozonides right after the cavitation surgery, it’s aiming straight to the problematic area.. I fear the oil particles will fall into the cleaned cavitation site.?! Thank you
Hi Aliona,
Yes, I think that should be OK.
Will breathing Ozonated oil help hay fever (pollen allergy)?
Hi paniel,
yes, it will most likely help with the symptoms.
Hi Paola,
Recently I was researching the Ozone and Alzheimer's connection. I found some disturbing things in relation to O3 concentration of air and positive association for Alzheimer's. This for example https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25310992/
What is your opinion on this? Do you know studies that tested Alzheimer's patients with Ozone therapy? Or any general experience Ozone and Alzheimer's connection.
I'm doing Ozon ear insufflation and I'm drinking Ozonated water, but now I'm a bit confused with these findings.
Thank you for your work!
Hi Attila,
Do you eat cheese? If you do, I would be concerned about the association between cheese consumption and dying by becoming entangled in your bed sheets, as a chart on this page shows: https://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
That page shows the most ridiculous correlations between random things.
That does not mean that one causes the other.
This is the danger of confusing correlations / associations with causation.
Unfortunately, our “science” these days is largely based on “studies” which only show associations. This is in reality not science. Such studies are also called epidemiological or observational studies and they are scientifically useless.
That study you linked to is scientifically irrelevant. After reading it, you can not make any determination about the impact of ozone on Alzheimer or the other way around.
Not to mention that breathing ozone has nothing to do with ozone therapy.
I hope this helps.
Hi Poala,
I am getting set up to do BOO as well as what I do at the moment (mainly; water, subcutaneous and ear). It seems that BOO is a very effective way of using ozone, but I am curious why it is not written about or promoted more by the likes of Rowen and Brownstein.
Any particular reason for this?
BTW. You are awesome!!!
Hi Bill,
thank you for reading my blog.
I don't know why those protocols are not promoted more …. there is definitely a bias in the ozone world towards intravenous treatments and rectal insufflations. Vaginal insufflations are shunned, too. I think it's because other ozone treatments like cupping, bagging, VI, EI, ozonated water etc. have been researched less than i.v. or RI, so doctors probably wrongly think that this is because they are ineffective …
But if you want to know for sure why they don't promote it, you would have to ask them directly. Since I can only speculate.
But yes, I agree BOO can be a great protocol for respiratory issues, but some experience also better mood, sharper mind, and other cognitive improvements.
Hi Paula,
For cataract – by using the oil bubbler, can we also use the cannula to directly blow ozone into the diseased eyes? I know the widely recommended method is the ozonated saline solution but it isn't efficient enough. Of course the ear and nasal insufflations help too but again more indirectly!
You are doing a fantastic job! Thanks for all you do.
Hi Wanie,
do you mean if one can direct the ozone which has been bubbled through olive oil into the eye?
If that's what you're asking – I don't know. I don't know if anyone has ever tried this.
I would rather first try to ozonate the saline solution at a higher ozone concentration and do a few more irrigations with it.
But also ozone IVs can be beneficial to eyes. So that's another possibility.
Thank you for reading my website!
Hi Paula,
Yes that is exactly what I meant. You formulated it better than I do. Thanks for your thoughts and input on this. I appreciate it!
Best regards
I’m curious if ozone oil breathing is an effective way for the ozone to reach the brain and help with neuroinflammation and brain fog? I’ve been using ozone for months intravenously, and more recently bought a Promolife machine and have been doing rectal, ear and nasal insufflation. I was having major positive results regarding brain fog from ear and nasal insufflation, but was having rashes in my ears and nose and want to find a different way for the ozone to reach the brain. What are your thoughts about oil breathing for this, or has anyone on this forum used it to address brain fog and neuroinflammation?
Hi Nisa,
many people experience a clearer mind, less brain fog, a lifted mood, and better ability to concentrate after BOO. I have experienced some of this myself. So, it appears that yes, breathing ozonated olive oil can have a positive impact on the brain function. So it's very much possible it can also help with inflammation in that area.
Let me know your experience once you try it out.
Ozone directed toward my eyes causes a great irritation. It may be effective if used for only a microsecond. Castor oil drop in the eye does help and maybe if bubbled thru ozone first. But the effect of ozone on the body has helped me for skin infections; but I am careful not to breath ozone. I have been using the generator fed with pure oxygen for some months; therefor my family has been subjected to ozonates.
when i breathe ozonated oil i can only use 1/32 oxygen which it smells nothing . if i make it more like 1/4 i start smelling ozonides nice beatiful smell . but if oxygen to 1/8L a lot of bubbles start quickly . do i have a problem in my ozone generater , does it mean i t generates a lot oxygen and lil ozone .
by the way my setup is good and my olive oil is organic
Hi kaine,
I'm not sure what the problem is? Could you describe exactly what bothers you?
thanks for answering , when i ozonate olive oil at 1/8 L or more , white bubles start growing all the way the to the top. i have to bring back the oxygen to 1/32 L . but then it has no smell because it is too low. But for the water it works good and ozonates it without problem.
Hi Kaine,
if there are no bubbles forming when on 1/32 LPM then it sounds like it's just the bubbles from the gas. Since 1/32 LPM is a lesser flow which creates less bubbles but a higher ozone concentration. So I doubt it's something to worry about, but it's difficult to say without seeing a picture …
I would use 1/8 LPM.
Hello Paola,
It appears that there is nothing special about the oil bubbler stem.
Would it not be viable to use a water bubbler equipment, remove the water bubbler stem and just put the silicone tube from the ozone outlet into the oil?
Can the saturated oil not be used internally as rizols, and can castor oil also be used for sinus insufflations?
Many thanks in advance!
Hi Vital,
you can totally use the water bubbler the way you described.
Yes, rizols are ozonated oil, you can use them internally.
Yes, you can also use castor oil.
Hi Paola, thank you so much for all your work. Why do you use the safety mask, it does not seem needed. Thank you
Hi Ed Von,
the safety mask prevents me from accidentally breathing in raw ozone.
I find it is needed very much. If you do VI or EI for longer than a few minutes, you realize that there is lot of ozone around. A mask prevents me from inhaling it. Once I tried it, I never wanted to miss it.
Hi Paolo,
I got so much ozonated bubbling oil, and I am not making ozonated oil, what should I do with it.
Hi Tan,
You can store it an use it to apply on your skin, give it to family and friends, or toss it!
Hi Paola,
Sorry typo error. I mean my throat is dry.
Hi Tan,
make sure you have enough fresh oil in the bubbler. And don't use a too high ozone concentration.
If you can smell the ozone that your breathing in is the ozone level to high?
Hi Judi,
if you're smelling ozone – then your oil may be saturated and you need fresh ones.
If the smell is pungent enough for you to recoil – then yes, it's too high or the oil is saturated.
If what you're smelling is more an olive oil smell, then it's ok. That's how ozonated oil smells, one barely notices the ozone or not at all.
I just want to make sure that I understand correctly, after I have used the olive oil for a while to do BOO, I can use it for my skin? Can it then be refrigerated and used just like ozonated olive oil?
Thank you for all you do and all the info you share. Awesome site!
Hi Carla,
yes, you understand correctly. The ozonated olive oil created during BOOO can be used for skin and other purposes.
Hi Paola,
Happy 2019! Everytime after doing the olive oil bubbling, I could feel my throat is dary. I only us 3/4 LPM. Please advise.
Thank you,
Hi Tan,
I don't understand: what do you mean with “dary”?
Hi Paula,
First time for me to be with you.
I think you are during a great job for all us beginners.
Thanks a lot!
Heinz der ” BERLINER”
Thank you Heinz!
Hi Paola
You are so fantastic in your informations and your courage to confront the big ones. I'm gratefull.
Now to the oil bubbeling. I find it very impotant at the end of inhalation to stop the whole thing, that one stops first the oxygenbottle and after the oxygen regulator to prevent for 100% that no oxygen reaches the oil. That would be very dangerous (fire or explosions).
Is that true?
Grüsse aus den Schweizer Bergen 🙂
Hi Swisstoph,
no, it's not true. Olive oil does not combust spontaneously when in contact with oxygen. Otherwise no one could use it for salad dressing ;-).
Hello Swisstoph, your information about not mixing oil and oxygen is relevant but only when dealing with high pressure oxygen! Say the 3,000psi extreme pressure in the oxygen bottle – when working with any of the fittings for oxygen at this pressure definitely apply NO oil, absolutely no oil, such as at the fitting where the regulator connects directly to the oxygen bottle.
But, as Paola says, low pressure oxygen – no worries at all.
Hi Paola,
I am just about to try inhaling ozone and watched a video with Dr Rowan where he said he uses pine and eucalyptus oil. Do you know anything about this and do you think it's safe to add some eucalyptus oil to the olive oil?
Hi Chrissi,
I think this should be safe if Dr. Rowen says so … but I have never tried it …
I have the PromoLife bubbler. I must have waited too long to change the oil, because the oil has begun to congeal inside the bubbler bulb, even though it still bubbles. Is there an efficient way to clean the clumps of ozonated oil from the bulb? (I could get a bit with a pipe cleaner down the tube, but it will not clean the entire bulb.)
Hi Elizabeth,
some people use acetone or alcohol to dissolve the oil.
A warm bath with soap should do it, too.
If my my oil was just above the bubbler itself is that safe? I am using a 500ml promolife beaker and i filled it to 300ml which covered the bubbler in oil but not much higher. I did 4 treatments of 5-10 minutes each at 20 mcg and now i have a severe upper respiratory infection. I have had a low grade repiratory infection for many months and i either bothered it with the breathing treatments or im having a herx reaction. Its hard to tell…
Hi Kellie,
sounds like a Herx reaction.
How are you doing now?
What are the different oils you can use to breathe ozone thru?
Hi Kim!
You can use most vegetable oils which are liquid at room temperature.
The most popular is olive oil.
The Russians stress the importance of using refined oils.
Hope this helps!
I have mild asthma. The first time is breathed the ozonated oil for 15 min., I began to experience a little bronchial irritation and stopped the process. I coughed for about 30 min. afterward. Is this something to be concerned about?
This is likely an indication that you have accidentally breathed in some raw ozone.
Your oxygen flow might be too high or the ozone concentration too high as well or you didn't use enough oil.
It likely didn't do any lasting damage, but you should avoid using wrong settings or too little oil.
Is the oil suppose to rise through the canal and reach the nose?
We just started and stopped it because the oil was coming up.
Please advise.
Thank you.
“Is the oil suppose to rise through the canal and reach the nose?” – Definitely not! The oil is supposed to stay put in the oil bubbler. Not sure what went wrong … did you pour too much oil into the bubbler and it came out of the output?
Im guessing too much oils. So is the oil suppose to be below the bulb? The bulb was totally saturated when I first did it.
What level would you suggest?
Thank you.
Hi Gabby,
the oil is supposed to cover the bulb of the bubbler, so that you see bubbles in the oil when oxygen flows.
I would suggest to pour enough oil to reach around 1/3 of the bubbler.
sorry, I'm confused about the bottle types (plastic vs glass).
yes, breathing through bubbled oil. Do you agree that previously treated/ozoned oil is better for breathing through bubbler or is untreated oil purchased from a store just as good?
Washington State 🙂
You should only use untreated, unozonated oil for the “ozonated oil breathing”.
Once the oil is fully saturated with ozone, it cannot and should not be used for breathing.
Best is definitely glass.
Washington State? – I'm coming! 😀 !!
sorry, I forgot to ask one other question regarding the link you provide to the jars and lids. You mention that the jars should be glass, do those lids fit on mason jar or other types of glass jars? Thank you Paola!
btw, if you ever want to come back to visit the US, you can stay with me in Washington. lol
Hi Susana,
the links lead to bottles already designed for bubbling oil, same with the low budget gas washing bottle.
Those bottles / bubblers require a special lid which will not fit onto a mason jar, I am afraid.
Some people find DIY solutions with silicone tape from Home Depot. So you can do without a lid completely, just use the tape instead …
Thank you for the invite! Is it Washington state or D.C. 😀 ?
Hello 🙂
I have the ext50 with a pediatric regulator from longevity resource, what setting do would I use for this procedure? 1/4, 1/8, 1/32, etc.?
Also, how long do you breath it for?
Thanks for the great details you provide!
set the oxygen at 1/2 LPM.
With “breathing in” I hope you mean bubbled through olive oil?
If so, start with 10 min and increase slowly. Always make sure, there is enough olive oil in the bubbler.
I assume that it would be ideal to have the trap container at a higher elevation than the oil container to help miminize possible back flow into the ozone generator. Please comment.
Also what percentage of oil should the oil container be?
Should the oil be changed after every application?
If not after every application, what are the change factor and their order of significance? (Such as ozone oil breathing time, number of day intervals between ozonated oil breathing treatment, non use storage of oil filled container,etc.)
“I assume that it would be ideal to have the trap container at a higher elevation than the oil container to help miminize possible back flow into the ozone generator.” – Yes, that would be an additional safety precaution. Good idea.
“Also what percentage of oil should the oil container be?” – 1/3 to 1/2 full. Most important is that the outlet of the oil container is submerged in oil.
“Should the oil be changed after every application?” – No need. Only once it is saturated with ozone and does not produce anymore ozonides. Once your lungs start to feel raw after the procedure, it is time to change the oil. This can take weeks or months, depending how often and how long you do it.
“If not after every application, what are the change factor and their order of significance? (Such as ozone oil breathing time, number of day intervals between ozonated oil breathing treatment, non use storage of oil filled container,etc.)” – number of day intervals is not significant, non use is also not significant. What counts is the combined breathing time, type of oil, and ozone concentration. The higher the ozone concentration used, the faster the ozone will get saturated. Some oils take longer to reach saturation than others. You will have to experiment with those. But the most important factor is the combined usage time.
With outlet of oil container I mean the part that lets ozone out into the oil container. Basically that part of the container which hangs down vertically inside and through which ozone flows in.
May I ask what purpose is served by the Trap?
The purpose of the trap is to protect the machine from liquids which tend to flow back through the tubing with continuous ozone applications.
I bought two gas glasses off ebay
can I use one for the trap and one for the oil?
they are the same .
you say make sure you use the outlet of the trap to the inlet of the humidifier
they both are the same that i have , so confused on that.
Hi Theresa,
“can I use one for the trap and one for the oil?” – Yes.
“you say make sure you use the outlet of the trap to the inlet of the humidifier
they both are the same that i have” – Yes, both have an inlet and both have an outlet. So just make sure that the sequence how you connet ig goes [ozone generator]-[inlet of trap]-[outlet of trap]-[inlet of humidifier]-[outlet of humidifier]-[oxygen mask]. Look under the “Important!!” drawing again, it's all there!
Hope this helps…
My oil is not bubbling , maybe it not enough ozone going through
Hoping it will heal some yeast in my lung
The silicone tubing is pretty small but I can smell the ozone
Thank you …
Hi Theresa,
if the oil is not bubbling, that means that your bubbler is most likely hooked up the wrong way. Make sure that the output line out of the generator goes into the right inlet on the bubbler, and not the outlet. And make sure you are using a trap between ozone generator and bubbler, otherwise you are running the risk of getting oil into your machine.